- List services beginning with A
- List services beginning with B
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- List services beginning with W
- List services beginning with X
- List services beginning with Y
- List services beginning with Z
- Safety and security
- Save food and save money
- Sawston Neighbourhood Plan
- Say thank you or give a compliment
- Schedules of proposed major modifications and proposed minor changes to the proposed submission local plan (March 2014)
- Scrap metal dealer licences
- Search by map
- Senior staff salaries
- Service Support Grants (closed)
- Services and facilities study
- Setting up your market
- Severe weather emergency prevention (SWEP)
- Sex establishment licence
- Shared Prosperity Fund
- Sheltered housing
- Shire Homes Lettings
- Site management requirements
- Site rules
- Six Free Trees (closed)
- Small business grant scheme (closed)
- Smoke and bonfires
- South Cambridgeshire District Council Taxi Policy
- South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018
- South Cambridgeshire markets
- South Cambs connect
- South Cambs Connect bookings policy and procedure
- South Cambs connect meeting room facilities
- South Cambs Magazine
- Spare rooms for people from Ukraine
- Stages in the preparation of the Local Plan 2018
- Stallholder directory
- Standard terms and conditions for the purchase of lower value goods, services and works
- Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan
- Statement of Consultation
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (August 2013)
- Street and house collections licences
- Street care and cleaning
- Street trading licences
- Streets
- Submission of Further Proposed Modifications (30 November 2016)
- Submission of Local Plan (28 March 2014)
- Submission of Proposed Modifications (31 March 2016)
- Superseded Local Plan 2004 and Development Plan Documents (DPDs)
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)
- Support for Ukraine
- Supporting independent living
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Sustainable living
- Sustainable travel
- Swavesey Neighbourhood Plan