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Submission of Local Plan (28 March 2014)

On 27 September 2018, the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Policies Map was agreed for publication.


The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State on 28 March 2014 for examination, alongside the Cambridge Local Plan. The examinations commenced on 4 November 2014.

The Planning Inspectors wrote to the Councils in May 2015  [PDF, 0.1MB] raising some initial queries relating to objectivity in the assessment for need for new housing, the development strategy and conformity with national planning policy.

The Councils carried out more work to fix these issues, and found a small number of changes that need to be made to the Local Plans. The Councils sought views on the proposed modifications through public consultation.

The Councils have considered the results of the public consultation and on 31 March 2016 they submitted the consultation responses, evidence base documents and associated proposed modifications to the Inspectors for consideration.

Since March 2016, additional issues arose that required further proposed modifications to be made to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan.

On 30 November 2016, the Council submitted to the Inspectors a letter [PDF, 0.2MB] and further proposed modifications. 

Public consultation on Main Modifications to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan and Cambridge Local Plan (and associated Sustainability Appraisal of the Main Modifications) ended at 5pm on Friday 16 February 2018.

Representations received were published:

The Statement of Consultation [PDF, 0.7MB] provides a summary of the representation received.

What is the Local Plan?

The Local Plan is a set of policies and land allocations that will guide the future of our district up to 2031. The timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan is set out in the Local Development Scheme.

Once adopted, all planning applications will be assessed against the policies in the Local Plan. Also on adoption of the Local Plan, the Core Strategy, Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (DPD), Site Specific Policies DPD and 'saved' Policy CNF6 from the Local Plan 2004 will be revoked in their entirety and will no longer form part of the development plan.

Submission of the Local Plan

On 28 March 2014, the Local Plan and its supporting documents were submitted for independent examination to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate.

Laura Graham BSC MA MRTPI as the Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate to carry out an independent examination of the Local Plan. Her task was to establish whether the Local Plan is ‘sound’, taking into consideration representations made during public consultation. Further information is on the examination webpage and Local Plan News webpage.

Submission Documents

The Proposed Submission Local Plan: 

Proposed Submission Policies Map (July 2013)[RD/Sub/SC/020]

Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications [RD/Sub/SC/030]

Schedule of Proposed Minor Changes [RD/Sub/SC/040]

Proposed Submission Local Plan ‘with illustrated changes’ [RD/Sub/SC/050]

Other representations included:

  • Representations to Proposed Submission Local Plan and Draft Final Sustainability Appraisal [RD/Sub/SC/100]
  • Results of Consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan – Summary of Representations and Key Issues [RD/Sub/SC/110]
  • Draft Final Sustainability Appraisal [RD/Sub/SC/060]
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report [RD/Sub/SC/060]
  • Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report [RD/Sub/SC/070]
  • Statement of Consultation [RD/Sub/SC/090]
  • Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Co-operate [RD/Sub/SC/080]
  • Notice of Submission [RD/Sub/SC/120]
  • South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Legal Compliance Checklist [RD/Sub/SC/150]
  • South Cambridgeshire Local Plan Self Assessment of Soundness [RD/Sub/SC/160]
  • Local Development Scheme
  • Statement of Community Involvement [RD/Sub/SC/140]

The Local Plan is supported by a number of evidence base and supporting studies - this page lists all the evidence base and supporting studies included in Appendix A of the Proposed Submission Local Plan (July 2013) and those listed as amendments in the Schedule of Proposed Minor Changes (March 2014).

Earlier Stages in Preparation of the Local Plan

Evidence gathering and preparation of the Local Plan began in 2011. Three rounds of public consultation on issues and options were undertaken:

All of the comments were considered during the drafting the Proposed Submission Local Plan.