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South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018

What is the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan?

The South Cambridge Local Plan is extremely important as it has a huge influence on how we live, work and enjoy our leisure time. It is the document against which all development proposals will be measured and judged. The Local Plan sets out future land use and planning policies for the area until 2031. 

Matters covered include: 

  • where new development should take place and what should be protected from development 
  • the number of new homes and jobs that should be planned for 
  • the services and infrastructure that are needed to support this change 

Local Plans, along with national planning policy, are the foundation of decision-making on planning applications. 

Adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan

The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was adopted on 27 September 2018 (as set out in the Adoption Statement [PDF, 0.1MB]):

The Adopted Policies Map (September 2018) shows geographically the policies in the development plan. The Policies Map has been updated to reflect the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan adopted in September 2018. 

5 year review of Adopted Local Plan Policies 

Autumn 2023 marked 5 years since the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans were adopted. Work on a new joint Greater Cambridge Local Plan is underway. In the meantime a review has been carried out to check whether there are any relevant changes in national policy that might have influence on the importance given to adopted policies in determining development proposals.

For full details, see the Policy Review of the Adopted Local Plans for Greater Cambridge (June 2023)

Preparation of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan

There were a number of stages in the preparation of the Local Plan.

We submitted the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan for examination in March 2014. An independent examination, to test the 'soundness' of the plan, was undertaken between March 2014 and August 2018.

In August 2018, the Inspectors that conducted the examination issued their Inspectors’ Report  [PDF, 0.4MB]and Schedule of Main Modifications [PDF, 1.5MB], concluding that the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was sound, subject to a number of Main Modifications being made.

The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan was formally adopted by the Council on 27 September 2018 at a meeting of full Council.

The adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018 incorporates the main modifications recommended by the Inspectors in Appendix 1 of the Inspectors' Report [PDF, 1.5MB], as well as some Additional Modifications [PDF, 0.4MB].

Adoption Documents

What is the adopted development plan for South Cambridgeshire?

The adopted development plan for South Cambridgeshire comprises:

In addition, the Adopted Policies Map (September 2018) shows the application of spatial policies in the development plan (i.e. allocations for development and policy areas to which a specific policy applies).

Sustainability Appraisal Report Documents

The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan has been subject to an integrated Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA):