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Schedules of proposed major modifications and proposed minor changes to the proposed submission local plan (March 2014)

On 28 March 2014, the Local Plan and its supporting documents were submitted for independent examination to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government via the Planning Inspectorate. The supporting documents include two schedules outlining proposed major modifications and proposed minor changes to the Proposed Submission Local Plan.

Information on what happens next is set out on the Local Plan webpage.

Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications

The Schedule of Proposed Major Modifications (March 2014) is intended to assist the Inspector in understanding the Council’s position and outlines the Council’s proposed major modifications to the Proposed Submission Local Plan.

Major Modifications are more substantive changes which alter the meaning of a policy or strategy (for example, rewording policies to change their meaning, adding new sites or deleting existing ones).

These changes are recommended to the Inspector and if agreed by the Inspector will be subject to public consultation after the examination hearings and before the adoption of the Local Plan.

Schedule of Proposed Minor Changes

The Schedule of Proposed Minor Changes is intended to assist the Inspector in understanding the Council’s position and outlines the Council’s proposed minor changes to the Proposed Submission Local Plan.

Minor changes are generally regarded as textual and grammar corrections; re-phrasing or limited new text to add clarity; or updates to figures and references which are necessary due to alterations which have been made elsewhere or for which new information has come to light.

The Schedule of Proposed Minor Changes (March 2014) will be updated periodically throughout the examination, as necessary.

Proposed Submission Local Plan ‘with illustrated changes’

The Council has produced a Proposed Submission Local Plan ‘with illustrated changes’ [PDF, 3MB] to show all the proposed changes referred to in the Schedules of Proposed Major Modifications and Proposed Minor Changes.