Submission of Proposed Modifications
On 31 March 2016, we and Cambridge City Council submitted to the Inspectors a letter [PDF, 0.3MB]and the further work undertaken to address the Inspectors’ concerns (as set out in their letters to the Councils in May [PDF, 0.1MB] and July [PDF, 0.1MB] 2015) including accompanying proposed modifications.
We have provided a separate letter [PDF, 0.2MB] in respect of the provisional modification to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan to allocate land south of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC).
In another separate letter [PDF, 0.3MB], Cambridge City Council has advised the Inspectors that they will be undertaking further work in relation to student accommodation.
Why did the Councils undertake further work and consult on Proposed Modifications?
The Planning Inspectors wrote to the Councils in May 2015 [PDF, 0.1MB] raising some initial queries relating to objectivity in the assessment for need for new housing, the development strategy and conformity with national planning policy, and inviting the Councils to undertake additional work to address those issues before the examinations progress further. The Councils agreed to undertake additional work and the examinations were formally suspended until March 2016.
The Councils carried out additional work to address the issues raised by the Inspectors, and identified a small number of modifications that need to be made to the Local Plans. The Councils sought views on the proposed modifications through public consultation undertaken between 2 December 2015 and 25 January 2016. The modifications have been subject to Sustainability Appraisal.
The Councils have considered the results of the public consultation and on 31 March 2016 the Councils submitted the consultation responses, evidence base documents and associated proposed modifications to the Inspectors for consideration.
Documents submitted to Inspectors
- Proposed Modifications - Report on Consultation [PDF, 2MB] (March 2016) (RD/MC/120)
- Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report (March 2016) (RD/MC/021)
- Non Technical Summary [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Chapters 1-11 and Appendices 1-11 [PDF, 3MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Introduction, Maps & Site List, Sites in Cambridge Urban Area [PDF, 7.5MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites on the Edge of Cambridge [PDF, 9.5MB] (Part 1)
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites on the Edge of Cambridge [PDF, 7.5MB](Part 2) and Sites at New Settlements
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Rural Centres [PDF, 9.5MB] (Part 1)
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Rural Centres [PDF, 9.5MB](Part 2)
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Rural Centres (Part 3) and Minor Rural Centres (Part 1) [PDF, 9MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at [PDF, 9MB] Minor Rural Centres [PDF, 9MB](Part 2)
- Annex 1. [PDF, 9.5MB] Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres [PDF, 9.5MB] (Part 3)
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres (Part 4) and Parish Council Led Proposals and Group Villages [PDF, 8.5MB]
- Annex 2. Sustainability Appraisal of Parish Housing Proposals [PDF, 1MB]
- Cambridge Local Plan - Schedule of Modifications [PDF, 2MB] (March 2016) (RD/MC/140)
- South Cambridgeshire Local Plan – Schedule of Modifications [PDF, 12.5MB] (March 2016) (RD/MC/150)
- Summaries of Representations [PDF, 2MB](RD/MC/130)
Consultation Documents
The Councils sought views on:
- Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Modifications Consultation Report [PDF, 10.5MB](December 2015) (RD/MC/010)
- Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Report (December 2015) (RD/MC/020):
- Non Technical Summary [PDF, 0.4MB]
- Chapters 1 to 11 and Appendices 1 to 8 [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Introduction, Maps and Site List, Sites in the Cambridge Urban Area [PDF, 7MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites on the Edge of Cambridge [PDF, 9MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at New Settlements and Rural Centres [PDF, 8MB](Part 1)
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Rural Centres (Part 2) [PDF, 9.5MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Rural Centres (Part 3) [PDF, 9.5MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres (Part 1) [PDF, 9MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres (Part 2) [PDF, 7.5MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres (Part 3) [PDF, 9MB]
- Annex 1. Site Assessment Proformas and Summary Results - Sites at Minor Rural Centres (Part 4) and Parish Council Led Proposals [PDF, 6.5MB]
- Annex 2. Sustainability Appraisal of Parish Housing Proposals [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Public Notice [PDF, 17Kb]
- South Cambridgeshire Submission Local Plan with Proposed Modifications shown as Illustrated Changes [PDF, 3.5MB] - a version of the South Cambridgeshire Submission Local Plan that shows the proposed modifications that are subject to public consultation.
- Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance Notes about the consultation [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Exhibition material: [PDF, 0.8MB]
Evidence Base and Supporting Studies
The proposed modifications have been informed by a range of evidence base documents:
- Cambridge Inner Green Belt Boundary Study [PDF, 5MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/030): Main Report | Appendix 1 [PDF, 7.5MB] | Figures (Part 1 of 8) [PDF, 7.5MB] | Figures (Part 2 of 8) [PDF, 8MB] | Figures (Part 3 of 8) [PDF, 7.5MB] | Figures (Part 4 of 8) [PDF, 6MB] | Figures (Part 5 of 8) [PDF, 7.5MB] | Figures (Part 6 of 8) [PDF, 4.5MB] | Figures (Part 7 of 8) [PDF, 6.5MB] | Figures (Part 8 of 8) [PDF, 7MB]
- Supplement to Cambridge Inner Green Belt Boundary Study - November 2015 (March 2016) [PDF, 3MB] (RD/MC/031)
- Objectively Assessed Housing Need: Further Evidence (November 2015) [PDF, 3.5MB] (RD/MC/040)
- Objectively Assessed Housing Need: Responses to Objectors [PDF, 4.5MB] (March 2016) (RD/MC/041)
- Housing Land Supply Update [PDF, 10.5MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/050)
- Development Strategy Update [PDF, 8MB](November 2015) (RD/MC/060)
- Local Plans CSRM – Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans Transport Report [PDF, 6MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/070)
- CSRM Technical Modelling Report for Local Plans - Supplementary Technical Note [PDF, 5MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/071)
- CSRM Modelling Summary Report for Local Plans - Supplementary Technical Note [PDF, 3.5MB] (May 2015) (RD/MC/072)
- A428 Constraints Report (March 2016) ((RD/MC/073):
- Main Report, Appendix A and Appendix B [PDF, 2.5MB]
- Appendix C (Part 1) [PDF, 24.5MB]
- Appendix C (Part 2) [PDF, 24.5MB]
- Appendix C (Part 3) [PDF, 24MB]
- A10 Corridor Constraints Study: Constraints Assessment [PDF, 15.5MB] (February 2016) (RD/MC/074)
- Infrastructure Delivery Study [PDF, 3.5MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/080)
- Local Plans Viability Update [PDF, 3MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/090)
- Proposed Modifications arising from the Government’s Written Ministerial Statements [PDF, 1.5MB] (November 2015) (RD/MC/100)
- City Deal and the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans [PDF, 1.5MB] (March 2016) (RD/MC/110)
If you would like further information, please either email the Planning Policy Team on or phone 01954 713 183.