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Our current revenue estimates

Housing revenue account summary

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Net Expenditure Estimate Forecast Estimate Difference
Housing Revenue Account N/A N/A N/A N/A
Expenditure N/A N/A N/A N/A
Support Services N/A N/A N/A N/A
Repairs Administration 1,470,031 1,515,000 1,887,814 417,783
General Administration 2,308,768 1,965,980 2,558,730 249,962
Sheltered Housing 170,857 84,978 95,421 (75,436)
Flats - Communal Areas 24,721 7,400 49,312 24,591
Outdoor Maintenance 156,807 156,611 158,543 1,736
Sewage 9,484 1,642 5,996 (3,488)
Tenant Participation 198,604 147,922 194,043 (4,561)
Reprovision and New Homes Programme 100,987 58,000 172,313 71,326
Other Expenditure N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rent Rates etc 3,000 4,200 4,200 1,200
Registration of HRA Land 6,500 5,890 4,500 (2,000)
Housing Repairs & Maintenance 4,151,390 3,751,390 4,463,000 311,610
Provision for Bad or Doubtful Debts 139,920 125,000 140,000 80
Recharges N/A N/A N/A N/A
Corporate Management 988,220 988,220 261,605 (726,615)
Democratic Representation Charge 83,500 83,500 319,423 235,923
Treasury Management Charge 1,400 8,500 24,500 23,100
Communications 45,000 45,000 45,900 900
Capital Charges N/A N/A N/A N/A
Interest on Self Finance Debt / Loan interest 7,178,920 7,178,920 7,253,920 75,000
Revenue Funding of Capital Expenditure 12,621,740 10,912,000 15,149,000 2,527,260
Net Depreciation 6,662,610 6,662,610 6,868,450 205,840
Total Expenditure 36,322,459 33,702,763 39,656,669 3,334,210
Income N/A N/A N/A N/A
Rent Income from Dwellings (27,559,960) (27,867,630) (29,022,950) (1,462,990)
Rent Income from Garages (392,720) (403,000) (411,060) (18,340)
Other Income (30,000) (40,000) (40,000) (10,000)
De=Minimus Receipts (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) 0
Total Income (27,985,680) (28,313,630) (29,477,010) (1,491,330)
Net Cost of Services 8,336,779 5,389,133 10,179,659 1,842,880
External Interest Receivable (546,220) (941,200) (680,471) (134,251)
Internal Interest Receivable 0 N/A 0 0
Transfer from Earmarked Reserves N/A N/A (6,000,000) (6,000,000)
Deficit/(Surplus) for the year (20,198,121) (23,868,697) (25,980,822) (5,782,701)


General Fund

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Net Expenditure 2019 to 2020 Net estimate (000's) 2020 to 2021 Expenditure estimate (000's) 2020 to 2021 Income estimate (000's) 2020 to 2021 Net Expenditure estimate (000's)
All services - - - -
Directorate - - - -
Corporate Services - overheads 6,293 9,094 104 8,990
Corporate Services 6,072 25,209 19,928 5,281
Health & Environmental Services 7,256 16,578 7,605 8,973
Housing (Including HRA) 9,284 44,119 32,093 12,026
Planning 5,238 10,172 5,857 4,315
Items not included within Recharges - 09/01/18 130 250 - 250
Net Direct Service Expenditure 27,980 96,328 65,483 30,845
Combined Authority and Greater Cambridge Partnership 742 1,074 - 1,074
Savings not included in Service estimates - - - -
Expenditure on Precautionary Items 75 - - -
Net Service Expenditure 28,797 97,402 65,483 31,919
Internal Drainage Boards 202 197 - 197
Cost of borrowing to fund Capital spend 9 1,451 - 1,451
Interest on Balances (2,004) - 4,537 (4,537)
Capital Charges and other reversals (1,063) (1,074) - (1,074)
Minimum Revenue Provision 176 2,075 - (2,075)
Capital Financing - 3,978 - 3,978
Net District Council General Fund Expenditure 26,117 104,029 70,020 34,009
Appropriation to/(from) Earmarked Reserves (8,131) 3,899 11,281 (7,382)
Appropriation to/(from) General Reserve 604 1,451 3,727 (2,276)
New Homes Bonus (2,473) - 2,767 (2,767)
General Expenses (Budget Requirement for capping purposes) 16,117 109,379 87,795 21,584
Special Expenses - Parish Precepts 5,618 5,882 - 5,882
Rural Services Grant (131) - 131 (131)
Retained Business Rates and Grant (6,811) - 11,484 (11,484)
(Surplus)/Deficit on Collection Fund re Council Tax (82) - 99 (99)
(Surplus)/Deficit on Collection Fund re Business Rates - - 307 (307)
Demand on Collection Fund to be raised from council taxpayers 14,711 115,261 99,816 15,445
Income from Council Tax - - - -
Tax Base for tax setting purposes (Band D equivalents) 62.576.3 - - 63,617.60
for the District 145.31 - - 150.31
for the Parish (average) 89.78 - - 92.47
- 235.09 - - 242.78