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Contract and payments to suppliers

Reports for payments to suppliers over £500

We publish reports for payments we make to suppliers over £500. We do this as part of our commitment to be open, honest and transparent.

You can expect to see our spending reports by the 25th of each month.

This data is freely re-usable under the Open Government Licence.


Download a copy of all the contracts within South Cambridgeshire District Council [XLSX, 40Kb]

AAP - Area Action Plan

CCTV - Closed-circuit television

CD - Compact disc

CNFE - Cambridge North Fringe East

DVD - Digital optical disc

ECOP - Ecological Constraints and Opportunities Plan 

GP - General practice

HDC - Huntingdonshire District Council

HR- Human Resources

NEC- North East Cambridge

NNDR - National Non-Domestic Rates

PEA- Preliminary Ecology Appraisal 

SCDC - South Cambridgeshire District Council

Supplier Expenditure Reports

Before we publish the spending data, we review it carefully. Sometimes, we can't share payments to specific individuals and suppliers due to the Data Protection Act. When this happens, we use "Redacted Personal Data" or "Redacted Commercial Data" instead of their names.

If you require further information about the payments to suppliers, please contact our accountancy team.