Smoke and bonfires
What to do if you are having a bonfire
If you’re planning a bonfire, make sure to do the following:
- do not burn damp grass clippings or 'green' material as this creates thick smoke
- do not burn any oily rags, rubber, plastics, damp garden waste or other materials which would create heavy smoke or toxic fumes
- do not burn a bonfire when your neighbours have washing drying outside, enjoying their gardens, or have windows wide open
- do not light bonfires 1 hour before sunset or leave them burning overnight. Choose the time of day and weather that will cause the least amount of possible problems for your neighbours
- do not leave your fire to burn slowly with smoke but no flames
- do tell your nearest neighbours before you light a bonfire so they can be prepared
- do burn material quickly in small amounts so the least amount of smoke is created. An incinerator makes this much easier
- do choose your bonfire site carefully, well away from trees, fences and windows. Have a hose-pipe and buckets of water handy just in case
Complaints about bonfires
We investigate complaints that relate to:
- smoke emissions
- bonfires
To make a complaint about smoke or bonfires, fill in the compliant form below or call us on 01954 713 000.
We can act and take people to court if smoke or bonfires are causing a nuisance. It is classed as a nuisance and an offence by us when:
- the person(s) carrying out the bonfires are causing an unreasonable effect on other people enjoying their home or garden
- bonfires are carried out on a trade premises which causes dark smoke – this is an offence even if no one is affected by the smoke
Fines could be up to £20,000 for each offence. Persons complaining to the council may be asked to keep a diary of events to help officers investigate.