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Report an odour

You can report:

  • fumes or gases from buildings
  • waste from industrial or business premises
  • accumulations or deposits

Report a nuisance complaint

Not all smells/odours can be classed as a nuisance by us, which means we can’t stop these smells under the law. These include:

Commercial processes

'Best Practicable Means' protects any industrial or commercial operation. If they are doing everything within their financial means and current industry knowledge to prevent causing a problem, then we would be unlikely to claim a case of a ‘statutory nuisance’ being caused.

Businesses that have permission (known as ‘authorised processes’)

In the case of a business with permission otherwise known as ‘authorisation’, we can only investigate if they are following the authorisation rules. This means the odours from such businesses are unlikely to be classed as a ‘statutory nuisance’ under the law.

Odour from the land

By law 'manure or similar should be ploughed in within 72 hours of it being spread.' This means that it is accepted that there will be an odour from manure spreading. If the odour from the land is not coming from this activity and we know where it is coming from, we can check to see if it is a ‘statutory nuisance’.

Milton sewage works

If you’re worried about odours from the sewerage works in Milton, then contact Anglian Water on their hotline 08457 145145. Say that the smell is from the Cambridge Water Recycling Centre, Cowley Road and quote the short-code for the site which is: CAMBST.

Landfills and waste sites

If you’re experiencing odours from the Milton landfill site or the Amey Cespa waste site in Waterbeach, contact the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service). It is recommended to call at the time the odours are occurring.