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Report a noise complaint

We investigate complaints that relate to:

  • noise from homes or businesses
  • noise from vehicles or equipment in a street (for example, car alarms but not traffic noise)
  • noise from amplified music in the street (for example, car stereos)
  • noise from machinery or equipment in the street
  • noise from bird scarers-  please refer to the National Farmers Union Code of Practice for advice.

We do not act on the following:

  • noise from shouting and brawling in the street
  • noise from traffic
  • noise from playing games in the street or public open spaces

Where we can’t take action, we will do our best to advise you of other organisations (for example, Police, mediation service, Housing Department or Citizens Advice Bureau) who may be able to help you.

If your complaint is not something we can investigate, the resources below may be able to provide further help:

Report a nuisance complaint


Noisy neighbours

If noise from your neighbours is making life difficult for you, we would usually expect that you have spoken to your neighbour to discuss the problem. Some people feel that this is not possible, and the matter has gone past this approach. If this is the case, then the Environmental Health department may be able to help.

If you are one of our tenants, or a housing association tenant, you’ll need to contact your housing provider for help. 

Next steps:

We will ask you to keep a diary record of when you are being bothered by the noise and how it is affecting you. We would ask you to do this for 2 to 6 weeks before returning it to us.

Once your diary record has been returned to us, and a nuisance has been identified, we would contact the person(s) responsible for the noise to tell them that a complaint has been made. We will explain what noise is being complained about and the legislation that we are investigating under. Some people are unaware that they are causing a problem, and this gives them the chance to see if any changes are needed. At this point no mention is made of where the complaint has come from but in some cases people are able to guess.

If after 3 to 4 weeks the noises have not reduced and we feel the matter needs further investigation, we will then arrange for an officer to install monitoring or recording equipment. This will depend on how often it happens and for how long the noise bothers you at certain times of the day.

Every case is different and is investigated on a case by case basis. We consider many different factors and investigate the situation in detail. If we gather evidence to support your complaint and establish that there is a statutory noise nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act, we will issue a letter which notifies a person that a statutory nuisance exists - this gives them 7 days to stop the nuisance. If the nuisance continues, no further warning will be given, and a Noise Abatement Notice will be served.

This process does not give you a quick answer. Your neighbour may stop creating a noise after receiving the first letter about the complaint or they may continue until formal action is taken. Evidence may have to be presented in court and it is important that at each stage it is collected in the correct manner.

There are cases where we don’t have enough evidence to support any enforcement action under the Environmental Protection Act. In such cases, residents can take their own private action in court.

Ask for a noise investigation

If you want us to start a noise investigation, email us on or call us on 01954 713 000.

We don’t take anonymous complaints and will need the following details:

  • your name, address and contact number
  • the address you are complaining about
  • the nature of your complaint

Reducing noise at home

  • make sure noisy household equipment (for example, washing machines) are away from walls that connect to another room
  • when buying a new household appliance, ask how noisy it is
  • carry out noisy DIY jobs during normal waking hours
  • apologise to neighbours in advance for noises caused by DIY
  • keep the volume of TV, radio and music as low as possible, especially late at night. If you want to turn the volume up, use headphones
  • if your dog barks when left alone, arrange to leave it with a friend
  • if you have a party, tell your neighbours ahead of time, and keep the noise to a minimum.

House alarms

If you have an old or faulty burglar alarm, replace it with one complying with British Standard BS 4737. Make sure to tell us that you have an alarm, by using the form below. You’ll also need to register a key holder with the police.

Key holder registration form

If your alarm sounds and we have to disconnect it, you will be fined.