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Complaints about councillor conduct

If your complaint is about a town or parish councillor, then you should contact the relevant town or parish council first to make your complaint.

To complain about a councillor/member of the South Cambridgeshire District Council or a member of a town/parish council in South Cambridgeshire you need to complete The Code of Conduct Complaint Form. [PDF, 0.5MB]

Please attach evidence of why you think the councillor didn't follow the Councillor Code of Conduct [PDF, 0.3MB].

The completed form should be emailed to the Monitoring Officer or posted to:

The Monitoring Officer
South Cambridgeshire District Council
South Cambridgeshire Hall
Cambourne Business Park
CB23 6EA 

Please note the Monitoring Officer can only deal with complaints about the behaviour of a member and cannot receive complaints about things that are not covered by the Members' Code of Conduct, such as maladministration. 

After you submit your complaint

Within 5 working days of getting your complaint, the monitoring officer will:

  • confirm they received your complaint
  • contact the councillor that you have complained about with a copy of your complaint and the evidence
  • ask the councillor complained about to give a written response to your complaint along with evidence, within 5 working days.

The Council’s Civic Affairs Committee oversee complaints about councillors.

Advice on making a complaint

For further help and advice you can:

Contact Details