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Neighbourhood issues and Anti-Social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a range of unacceptable behaviours, from everyday incidents such as noise nuisance to serious criminal acts. It can be any aggressive or intimidating behaviour that has a negative effect on another person's quality of life - in or around their home - and is likely to cause: nuisance, annoyance, harassment, alarm, or distress to anyone. Other forms of anti-social behaviour include:2 people having an argument

If your home is managed by South Cambs and you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, please tell your Housing Services Officer or email us. Alternatively, you can fill in the form below.

Report anti-social behaviour or nuisance

Anti-social behaviour can also be reported to the Police by calling the non-emergency number 101 or our environmental health team.   

We work closely with the police through the Community Safety Partnership to deal with anti-social behaviour in South Cambs.

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Abuse can be either physical or verbal. Abuse of any kind is never acceptable. If you feel threatened, you should report it to the police. If you are a South Cambs tenant or leaseholder and are experiencing any kind of abuse, contact the housing services team immediately. If the abuser is not in South Cambs housing, the environmental health team should be contacted.

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Noise nuisance

Noise nuisance can be exhausting and make it difficult to relax in your own home. It is difficult to see the impact it can have on our neighbours. If noise is bothering you, it is best to first talk to person that is causing the noise and try to find a compromise. They may not have realised how their behaviour has affected you. A mediator may also be helpful.

If this isn't an option, we are able to take action, depending on the circumstances, against certain types of noise nuisances. 

Noise nuisance must be considered a 'statutory nuisance' for us to address it. Noises that cause statutory nuisance are from: 

  • another home or building (any type, any source)noisy neighbour playing music
  • amplified music in the street (car stereos)
  • car alarms
  • loud machinery or equipment in the street
  • barking dogs

If you are a South Cambs tenant, you can contact us to leave a complaint about noise nuisance. Otherwise please refer to the Environmental Health team.

We cannot directly take action on noise from:

  • shouting and brawling occurring in the street
  • motor vehicles (except in those cases indicated above)
  • the playing of games in the street or public open space.

Where we cannot take direct action, we will do our best to advise you of other organisations (such as a mediation service, the Environmental Health Department, Citizens Advice Bureau or Police) which may be able to assist you.

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A group of teenagers committing anti-social behaviour

South Cambs tenants can report vandalism to us via email.

If the complaint is regarding someone outside of South Cambs Housing, please report it directly to the Environmental Health team. 

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If you are a South Cambs tenant and have a parking problem or dispute, contact your housing officer to discuss the issue before it escalates. 

We don't allocate parking spaces to individuals, so please be considerate with parking, for example, try to avoid parking on grassed areas.  We ask you to only park on hardstanding surfaces.  If you would like to create a hardstanding or driveway you can apply online for permission for this work. 

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Reporting hate crimes and incidents

If you need to report a Hate Incident or Hate Crime, please see the hate crime guidance and advice from Cambridgeshire Constabulary.


Community Trigger

What is the community trigger?

The Community Trigger is a process for victims of repeat anti-social behaviour to request a review of their case, if they feel that no one is dealing with the problems they are experiencing.

To use this process:

  • the victim must have made 3 reports of anti-social behaviour to various organisations, including South Cambs Council, the Police, housing association or health provider within the past 6 months
  • all reports must have been made within one month of the incident occurring

Once requested, the relevant organisations will come together to review the Community Trigger and decide if any further action can be taken to resolve the anti-social behaviour being experienced.

The Community Trigger is not used to:

  • submit a complaint as to how an organisation has dealt with your case. For complaints you should make an enquiry to the relevant organisation about their complaints procedure.
  • report new cases of anti-social behaviour. 

Request the Community Trigger

You can apply on line (link to form below), or by mailing, phoning 01754 713400, or by writing to South Cambs District Council.

More information regarding the Community Trigger can be found here. [PDF, 0.3MB]

Statistical information

Section 104(9) of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 requires us to publish information about the community trigger (ASB case reviews) in the following format:

The number of applications for ASB case reviews made to those bodies:

  • 2018-19: None
  • 2019-20: None
  • 2020-21: 2 

The number of times those bodies decided that the threshold for a review was not met:

  • 2018-19: None
  • 2019-20: None
  • 2020-21: None

The number of ASB case reviews those bodies have carried out:

  • 2018-19: None
  • 2019-20: None
  • 2020-21: 1

The number of ASB case reviews carried out by those bodies that have resulted in recommendations being made:

  • 2018-19: None
  • 2019-20: None
  • 2020-21: 1

Community Trigger application

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Frequently Asked Questions

I have noticed graffiti on walls of communal areas, what should I do?

Let us know, and tell us the exact location of the graffiti and details of the parties involved, if known.

Someone has deliberately damaged my property, what should I do?

Report it to the police and get an incident number. If you know who carried out the damage and they are a South Cambs tenant, you can inform the Housing Department.

Local children are playing football and damaging trees etc. on the green, what do I do?

You should call the police and report it as an incident.

Is it my responsibility to maintain my garden?

Yes, you are responsible for regularly keeping your garden tidy, which includes cutting the lawn and trimming the hedges. If your garden is overgrown and there is no good reason why you cannot maintain it, we may clear it and recharge you for the work.

If I make a complaint can I remain anonymous?

Yes, your complaint will be kept anonymous where it is requested and where deemed appropriate.

I am a private landowner. Who can help define our boundaries?

For questions relating to private land ownership, you should directly contact the Land Registry.

Can I fix anything (i.e. washing line, bird box, trellis) to a neighbouring boundary fence?

You can attach items to a fence that is your own. If your neighbour owns the fence, do ask them for their permission first. If you are in doubt as to whom owns the fence you can request advice from the Property Surveyor/Lands Officer.

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