Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a range of unacceptable behaviours, from everyday incidents such as noise nuisance to serious criminal acts. It can be any aggressive or intimidating behaviour that has a negative effect on another person's quality of life - in or around their home - and is likely to cause: nuisance, annoyance, harassment, alarm, or distress to anyone. Other forms of anti-social behaviour include:
- intimidation and harassment
- domestic abuse
- violence, or threats of violence
- rowdy behaviour and drunkenness
- pet nuisance and uncontrolled animals
- dealing or taking drugs
- graffiti
- damage to property
- dumping rubbish (for example, fly tipping)
- abandoned vehicles
- noise nuisance (for example, loud music or shouting)
- crimes based on discrimination
If your home is managed by us and you are experiencing anti-social behaviour, please tell your Housing Services Officer or email us. Alternatively, you can fill in the form.
Anti-social behaviour can also be reported to the Police by calling the non-emergency number 101 or our environmental health team.
We work closely with the police through the Community Safety Partnership to deal with anti-social behaviour in South Cambs.
Abuse can be either physical or verbal. Abuse of any kind is never acceptable. If you feel threatened, you should report it to the police. If you are a South Cambs tenant or leaseholder and are experiencing any kind of abuse, contact the housing services team immediately. If the abuser is not in South Cambs housing, the environmental health team should be contacted.
Noise nuisance can be exhausting and make it difficult to relax in your own home. It is difficult to see the impact it can have on our neighbours. If noise is bothering you, it is best to first talk to person that is causing the noise and try to find a compromise. They may not have realised how their behaviour has affected you. A mediator may also be helpful.
If this isn't an option, we are able to take action, depending on the circumstances, against certain types of noise nuisances.
Noise nuisance must be considered a 'statutory nuisance' for us to address it. Noises that cause statutory nuisance are from:
- amplified music in the street (car stereos)
- car alarms
- loud machinery or equipment in the street
- barking dogs
If you are a South Cambs tenant, you can contact us to leave a complaint about noise nuisance. Otherwise please refer to the Environmental Health team.
We cannot directly take action on noise from:
- another home or building
- shouting and brawling occurring in the street
- motor vehicles (except in those cases indicated above)
- the playing of games in the street or public open space.
Where we cannot take direct action, we will do our best to advise you of other organisations (such as a mediation service, Citizens Advice Bureau or Police) which may be able to assist you.
If a vehicle (like a car, van or motorbike for example) is blocking your parking space at your home, or is in a dangerous position you’ll need to contact the police if you want the vehicle to be moved.
We are unable to deal with vehicles that are not taxed or have an invalid MOT. We will only investigate and take action if a vehicle has been left for at least 21 days, and we are sure it has been given up or abandoned.
After the 21 days, we’ll put a notice on the vehicle for the keeper to get in touch with us within 14 days. We will carry out an inspection to check whether the vehicle can stay there for the 14 days or if it needs to be moved. We’ll also take photos of the vehicle, make a note of items inside it, and do a DVLA search to find out who the keeper of the vehicle is so a letter about the Notice can be sent to them.
After the 14 days, if the vehicle hasn’t moved, and the keeper does not get in touch with us, then we’ll let the police know and will arrange for the vehicle to be removed. We will remove any vehicle after the 14 days have passed if it has not been claimed or removed by the keeper. It will then be stored for a further 21 days by our contractors.
Report an abandoned vehicle
Report an abandoned vehicle by using our online form.
We accept reports from members of the public, police or owners of land. This can be about vehicles abandoned on the highway, private roads or property, or council-managed property. Any issues can be reported anonymously.
We will need the following information to process the report, which will include:
- where the vehicle is
- colour
- registration number
- make and model
- the vehicle's general condition
- how long the vehicle has been at the site for
Fees that apply for handling abandoned vehicles
Fees for removing and disposing (scrapping) of vehicles would need to be paid to our contractors directly and not us. You’ll need to provide proof that you own the vehicle when you go to collect it, or if you want the vehicle to be delivered to you.
The fees for handling, removal and disposal are:
- collection of vehicle - £150
- storage per day of vehicle - £21
- delivery of vehicle to owner - £100
- disposal of vehicle - No fee is charged for this
Spotting an abandoned vehicle
When determining if a vehicle has been abandoned, some things to consider are:
- are any of the tyres flat, or are any of the wheels missing?
- is there litter or any other sign under the vehicle indicating that it has not moved for some time?
- is the windscreen or any of the windows broken?
- is there any mould on either the inside or outside of the vehicle?
- does the vehicle contain waste items, including tyres, old newspapers, or general rubbish?
- does the vehicle have number plates?
Vandalism or stolen vehicles
If the vehicle has clearly been vandalised by someone or hot wired (stolen and driven without keys by connecting ignition wires - a common sign of this would be wires hanging from the dashboard), then this should be reported to the Police. Vandalism of a vehicle might include:
- dents in bodywork
- graffiti
- removal of bumpers/spoilers
- inside vandalism such as stealing a radio or slashed seat covers
If you are a South Cambs tenant and have a parking problem or dispute, contact your housing officer to discuss the issue before it escalates.
We don't allocate parking spaces to individuals, so please be considerate with parking, for example, try to avoid parking on grassed areas. We ask you to only park on hardstanding surfaces. If you would like to create a hardstanding or driveway you can apply online for permission for this work.
For parking services in the district please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website.
If you need to report a Hate Incident or Hate Crime, please see the hate crime guidance and advice from Cambridgeshire Constabulary.
What is the community trigger?
The Community Trigger is a process for victims of repeat anti-social behaviour to request a review of their case, if they feel that no one is dealing with the problems they are experiencing.
To use this process:
- the victim must have made 3 reports of anti-social behaviour to various organisations, including South Cambs Council, the Police, housing association or health provider within the past 6 months
- all reports must have been made within one month of the incident occurring
Once requested, the relevant organisations will come together to review the Community Trigger and decide if any further action can be taken to resolve the anti-social behaviour being experienced.
The Community Trigger is not used to:
- submit a complaint as to how an organisation has dealt with your case. For complaints you should make an enquiry to the relevant organisation about their complaints procedure.
- report new cases of anti-social behaviour.
Section 104(9) of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 requires us to publish information about the community trigger (ASB case reviews) in the following format:
The number of applications for ASB case reviews made to those bodies:
- 2018-19: None
- 2019-20: None
- 2020-21: 2
The number of times those bodies decided that the threshold for a review was not met:
- 2018-19: None
- 2019-20: None
- 2020-21: None
The number of ASB case reviews those bodies have carried out:
- 2018-19: None
- 2019-20: None
- 2020-21: 1
The number of ASB case reviews carried out by those bodies that have resulted in recommendations being made:
- 2018-19: None
- 2019-20: None
- 2020-21: 1