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Zero Carbon Communities grant online briefing and Q&A session

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Our Zero Carbon Communities Grant Scheme provides funding of up to £15,000 for projects to support communities to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. This year’s scheme invites applications from parish councils and community organisations under three themes: Cycling, Community buildings and Tree-planting and other nature-based solutions. Applications are open from 1 July 2020 to 30 September.

On Monday 6 July we held an online briefing and Question and Answer session for details of this year’s Zero Carbon Communities Grant Scheme and how to apply. We are delighted that PECT and Cambridge Electric Transport was also able to join us. 

If you were interested in attending but couldn't, please take a look at the presentation [PPTX, 27.5MB] and free feel to get in touch using the details below if you have any further questions. 

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