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Zero Carbon Communities events

If you are planning to host an event this summer, help reduce the amount of waste it will produce by using our waste less event guide [PDF, 0.5MB], which provides resources and tips for events of all sizes.

Upcoming events

Sign up to our newsletter at for up-to-date information on events happening soon. 

Past events

Community Action in Response to the Climate Emergency

This event explored what to do after you've declared a Climate Emergency. Cambridge Carbon Footprint led this session on how to get community action going in your area.

Cycling for Sustainability

Local campaign group Camcycle led this session. They explored cycling in the district, including campaigns like School Streets. 

Making your business greener

In this webinar, our Business Support Team showed real-life examples of how businesses can be more environmentally friendly. Speakers explained how companies can reduce carbon emissions and waste, use renewable energy, and save money by being more efficient. 

Planning for the Climate Emergency 

This session discussed how we shaped policy planning to cut carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate. 

Installing electric vehicle (EV) charge points for workplaces and public use 

This session focused on installing electric vehicle (EV) charging points. We discussed EV charging options for parish councils, local businesses, and residents, including funding options. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - June 2022 

Council leader Bridget Smith discussed our plans for addressing climate and ecological emergencies in the next few years. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - May 2022 

South Cambridgeshire groups and parish councils learnt how to get their communities involved in tackling the climate emergency. Katie Williams from UKYCC and 2G3S shared research on why some people find it hard to get involved in the climate movement. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - April 2022 

This event was for groups looking to reduce carbon emissions in their community buildings while cutting energy costs. David Knight from Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) shared ways to make community buildings more energy-efficient. 

Climate and Environment Fortnight: 21 February to 7 March 2022 

This series celebrated climate action taking place in the district. It looked at what we are doing to mitigate and adapt to climate change. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - January 2022 

The January session, "Food, Sustainability, and Community in South Cambridgeshire," included a talk by Sam Dyer MBE on Cambridge Sustainable Food. The breakout rooms included discussions on what communities had been doing to support sustainable food. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - December 2021 

The second part of the Green Connect Events discussed "Forest Gardening, Tree Planting, and Biodiversity in South Cambridgeshire." Hannah Thomas gave an inspiring talk about Babraham's Forest Garden project. Then, there were discussions around overcoming the area's challenges of tree planting and biodiversity. 

Zero Carbon Communities Green Connect - November 2021 

The Green Connect series launched monthly networking events to bring together residents and community groups from South Cambridgeshire. Each event focused on a different theme. The first event centered on COP26 and its significance for South Cambridgeshire. The Q and A session can be viewed below.

Request for events in schools and community groups

Did you know that we can help your school or community learn more about recycling and reducing waste? If you’d like to find out more about how we can help, please email

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