South Cambs Magazine
South Cambs Magazine is one of our primary communication channels with residents.
This high quality magazine is delivered directly to around 73,000 households in the district which has a population of 162,000, according to the 2021 census. There are four issues per year.
With a focus on Council services, we strive to ensure that content has high community and human interest elements. An engaging and easy-to-understand editorial style is complemented by locally-sourced photographs.
Winter 2024 - The most recent edition
Read the Winter 2024 edition of the South Cambs magazine. [PDF, 10MB]
There is also an accessible plain text copy [PDF, 0.3MB] of the magazine available to download.
For large print copies of the magazine, please contact the Communications team.
If you no longer want to receive a print copy of the magazine, please contact the Communications team.
Delivery dates
Each household in South Cambridgeshire receives a paper copy of the quarterly South Cambs Magazine. The delivery window for each issue in 2025 is below.
Spring edition: Monday 24 February to Saturday 8 March
Summer edition: Tuesday 27 May to Saturday 7 June
Autumn edition: Monday 25 August to Saturday 6 September
Winter edition: Monday 24 November to Saturday 6 December
Who to contact if you have not received your magazine
In the unlikely event that you do not receive a copy of South Cambs Magazine within the relevant delivery window above, please contact the company responsible for the magazine's delivery, Smart Distribution, using one of the methods below:
Telephone number: 0800 6444 011
Smart Distribution will then send you a copy, investigate why you did not receive one as planned and put a plan in place to ensure you receive all future editions.
Editorial enquiries
Letters to the Editor should be directed to:
Editor: Tom Horn
Editorial: Megan Jerome, Jessica Lydon and Kath Sansom