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The South Cambs magazine

Winter 2024

Read the Winter edition of the South Cambs magazine. [PDF, 10MB]

There is also an accessible plain text copy [PDF, 0.3MB] of the magazine available to download.

For large print copies of the magazine, please contact the Communications team.

If you no longer want to receive a print copy of the magazine, please contact the Communications team.


Each household in South Cambridgeshire receives a paper copy of the quarterly South Cambs Magazine. The delivery window for each issue is below.


Spring: 26 February to 9 March 

Summer: New delivery dates are from Monday 8 July to Saturday 20 July

Autumn: 26 August to 7 September

Winter: 25 November to 7 December

Who to contact if you have not received your magazine

Smart Distribution
Telephone number: 0800 6444 011

Editorial enquiries

Letters to the Editor should be directed to:

Editor: Tom Horn
Editorial: Tom Horn, Kath Sansom, Chris James, Jessica Lydon and Megan Jerome.
Telephone number: 01954 713 000