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South Cambs Connect bookings policy and procedure

Booking Policy and Procedure 

1 Bookings 

1.1: SouthCambs Connect is available to be used by budding entrepreneurs, start-up businesses, Community Interest Companies, community groups and Professional Partners of the Council. This co-working environment and Engagement Space has been opened to create a place for people, businesses and communities to expand their professional horizons, network, innovate and collaborate. 

1.2 Bookings can be made through SouthCambs Connect or by contacting 

1.3: Block bookings may be made at the discretion of the SouthCambs Connect team through SouthCambs Connect or by contacting 

1.4: SouthCambs Connect has absolute discretion as to whether the booking shall be accepted. 

1.5: Bookings in person for those without internet access may be made directly at South Cambridgeshire Hall reception to ensure the booking is entered on to the SouthCambs Connect booking system.  

1.6: No booking can be taken without the User confirming their agreement to the full Terms and Conditions. 

1.7 If cancellation is required; the User needs to notify as soon as possible at Regular cancellations will result in refusal of future bookings.  

1.8: Data will be stored by South Cambridgeshire District Council. All information will be held in accordance with South Cambridgeshire District Council Privacy Notice. 

By ageing to the terms and conditions you are agreeing with us to hold your data in relation to this booking and to be contacted by South Cambs Connect in relation to your booking and any matters that affect your interest. If at any point you would like your data removed please contact

2 Cost 

2.1: Meeting room booking costs: free until the end of March 2025 in exchange for user feedback on SouthCambs Connect, its facilities and services. 

2.2: The Engagement Space is not a hireable space for individuals; however, the SouthCambs Connect team will use this area to schedule a structured programme of use of this space, which will be visible on the SouthCambs Connect website. Users that wish to provide engagement events, workshops, training etc., can book into the Engagement Space by contacting 

Terms and Conditions 

3 Basic Conditions 

3.1: The User is the approved user who is using SouthCambs Connect for hot-desking purposes, meeting room booking or the Engagement Space. 

3.2: If an event is organised and hosted within the Engagement Space, the organiser must ensure all visitors have the necessary authority to visit SouthCambs Connect and absorbs liability for that as a private booking.  

3.3: Should the main contact or host change, all information must be given for the new contact. 

3.4: South Cambridgeshire District Council reserves the right to refuse any booking. 

3.5: South Cambridgeshire District Council and the SouthCambs Connect team reserves the right to access the SouthCambs Connect at any time. This could include inspections for the purpose of confirming compliance with room occupancy limits or any other aspect of the Terms and Conditions. 

3.6: The User should keep the premises clean, neat and tidy with no physical alterations or modifications to the building, furniture or meeting room contents. 

3.7: The User understands South Cambridgeshire Hall is a busy open-plan local government office and will only have dedicated access to areas of the building that include the SouthCambs Connect ground floor space, kitchenette facility and WCs. Any clear breach of these rules will result in immediate removal from South Cambridgeshire Hall. 

3.8 All Users of SouthCambs Connect will be required to wear a designated lanyard, this must be worn at all times. Failure to do so will result in refusal of any future bookings, and if not complied with immediately will result in immediate removal from South Cambridgeshire Hall. 

3.9: The User will not cause any disturbances or annoyances, nor cause nuisance or disruption within South Cambridgeshire Hall. 

3.10: All users will treat SouthCambs Connect team members and South Cambridgeshire District Council staff with courteousness and respect. Any bullying, harassment or unruly behaviour will be met with exclusion from the building. We are committed to maintaining a respectful, safe, and inclusive environment for everyone in accordance with the Workers Protection Act 2023.  As such we do not tolerate any form of sexual harassment or inappropriate behaviour. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favours, or other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that can read as intimidating, hostile or offensive. Violations of this policy will be taken seriously, and may result in immediate action, including removal from the premises. We reserve the right to take any additional measures necessary to maintain a safe environment for all individuals.

3.11: The User may use parking places at South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne and understands spaces are not guaranteed. Nuisance parking on the part of those attending SouthCambs Connect could result in future bookings being refused by the SouthCambs Connect team and South Cambridgeshire District Council. 

3.12: The User will need to provide their own ICT equipment; no technical support will be made. The Council will not be responsible for any loss or damage to personal items.  

Our address:

South Cambridgeshire Hall Cambourne Business Park 
Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA 

What3Words location:Everyone.Sailing.Nicely 

3.13: Any online booking shall be made based upon these Terms and Conditions. 

3.14: The team at SouthCambs Connect or South Cambridgeshire District Council may cancel any bookings at their absolute discretion where unforeseen circumstances demand. 

4 Insurance & Indemnity 

4(a) The User shall be liable for and indemnify SouthCambs Connect and South Cambridgeshire District Council in respect of: 

(i) the cost of repair of any damage (including accidental and malicious damage) done to any part of South Cambridgeshire Hall premises or the contents of the premises caused during the use of SouthCambs Connect by the User; 

(ii) all claims, losses, damages, and costs made against or incurred by South Cambridgeshire District Council or the SouthCambs Connect team in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising as a result of the use of the premises (including the storage of equipment) by the User; 

(iii) all claims, losses, damages and costs made against or incurred by South Cambridgeshire District Council or the SouthCambs Connect team as a result of any nuisance caused to a third party at South Cambridgeshire Hall as a result of the use of the premises by the User, and subject to sub-clause(b), the User shall indemnify and keep indemnified accordingly the South Cambridgeshire District Council against such liabilities; and 

  1. iv) all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs, expenses, or other liability in any way arising from any breach of the User’s obligations contained in these Terms and Conditions.

(b) The indemnity granted by the User at clause 4(a) shall exclude any loss, damage or injury arising by reason of the negligence of South Cambridgeshire District Council 

(c) Any commercial or other formally constituted group or association shall provide evidence of their own liability insurances to satisfy the requirements of clause 4(a), such insurance to have a limit of indemnity of not less than £1,000,000 (One Million Pounds); and 

(d) For organised activities and/or entertainment provided by a third party must also comply with clause 4(c) such insurance to have limit of indemnity of not less than £1,000,000 (One Million Pounds). 

5 Accidents and dangerous occurrences 

5.1: Any failure of equipment must be reported as soon as possible to staff on duty or another duly appointed representative. 

5.2: Any damage caused to the premises must be reported as soon as possible to staff on duty or another duly appointed representative. 

5.3: The User must report all accidents involving injury as soon as possible to staff on duty or another duly appointed representative. 

6 Restrictions 

6.1: No permanent banners or other promotional materials must be fixed to the walls or left following a period of meeting room hire or Engagement Space use. 

6.2: No smoking is allowed anywhere inside or outside the building of South Cambridgeshire Hall premises, except for the designated smoking area. 

6.3: No cars parked in South Cambridgeshire Hall car park marked bays must be left with their engine running or with radios playing at levels audible outside the vehicle. 

6.4: No animals or birds (except Guide Dogs and Assistance Dogs) may be brought to SouthCambs Connect without permission. 

6.5: No posters, literature, advertisements or flyers shall be affixed to the walls or notice boards without permission nor left in meeting rooms or the Engagement Space. 

6.6: No children are permitted into the SouthCambs Connect space. 

6.7: No ICT support is provided to users of the SouthCambs Connect space. 

7 Communal kitchenette 

7.1: SouthCambs Connect users have access to the ground floor kitchenette area only; however, must ensure they are wearing their allocated SouthCambs Connect lanyard at all times. 

7.2: Users are responsible for ensuring the communal kitchenette remains tidy and clean when used. 

7.3: Users will refrain from leaving food and drink in refrigerators over weekend periods. 

8 No rights 

8.1: The User Agreement constitutes permission only for the User to use meeting rooms or the premises for the agreed duration of their booking and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation on the User. 

9 Cancellations 

9.1: If users need to cancel or adjust their booking, they must contact Any bookings that will not be fulfilled must be cancelled with at least 24 hours’ notice. 

10 Complaints 

10.1 : Any causes for concern can be raised in the first instance with the SouthCambs Connect team using 

Serious complaints can be made in accordance with the South Cambridgeshire District Council Complaints Procedure. 

11 Discrimination 

11.1: SouthCambs Connect will not be used for any activity or group which discriminates or promotes discrimination against persons with protected characteristics under the Equalities Act of 2010, which are: 

  • Age 
  • Disability 
  • Gender reassignment 
  • Marriage and civil partnership 
  • Pregnancy and maternity 
  • Race 
  • Religion or belief 
  • Sex or gender 
  • Sexual orientation 

11.2: SouthCambs Connect may not be used for the promotion of extremist ideologies, hate crimes or for any activity illegal under U.K. law. 

12 Disclaimer 

12.1: South Cambridgeshire District Council reserves the right to change its Booking Policy & Procedure and Terms & Conditions, as necessary to support its and SouthCambs Connects’ business objectives, by giving a minimum of 28 days’ notice.  

12.2: South Cambridgeshire District Council reserves the right to change its meeting rooms, furniture, equipment and other aspects to SouthCambs Connect again after giving a minimum of 28 days’ notice.  

12.3: Using the service constitutes acceptance of these rules.   

13 Public Safety Compliance 

13.1: The User shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by South Cambridgeshire District Council. 

13.2: In the event of a fire, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s fire procedures will be undertaken. The User must comply by any instructions given by trained Fire Wardens to ensure all health and safety measures are correctly followed. 

The User acknowledges that they will pay due regard to the following matters: 

13.2.1: The action to be taken in event of fire. This includes calling the Fire Brigade and evacuating all parts of SouthCambs Connect and South Cambridgeshire Hall. 

13.2.2: The location and use of firefighting equipment. 

13.2.3: Escape routes (please refer to Figure 2, below, a Fire Escape Plan) and the need to keep escape routes clear. 

13.2.4: Method of operation of escape door fastenings. 

13.2.5: All fire doors should remain closed. 

13.2.6: Location of the nearest First Aid Kit. 

13.3: In advance of any engagement activity, the User must check the following items: 

13.3.1: That all escape routes are free of obstruction and can be safely used for instant free public exit. 

13.3.2: That fire doors are not wedged open. 

13.3.3: That exit signs are illuminated. 

Figure 2: Fire Escape Plan 

Fire escape plan

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

If persons attending the session need support, due to impaired mobility, visual impairment or other reason(s), please request and return a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) form [DOCX, 0.5MB] in advance of the booking date. Please complete the fields that are relevant to you. This will be completed on your arrival to ensure their needs and safety are protected during an evacuation.

Contact Details