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News release from: 16/10/2024

Resident given criminal record after fly tipping in Whaddon Gap

Resident given criminal record after fly tipping in Whaddon Gap

A resident has been prosecuted after their rubbish was found dumped in a farmer’s field near Bassingbourn.

The fly tip consisted of household waste, personal correspondence, broken toys, bedding and clothing. It was found near the village car park, from a property near the Bassingbourn army barracks. 

Evidence was found in the waste pile at Whaddon Gap and investigated by the Envirocrime Team from South Cambridgeshire District Council. 

Checks were made using information held against the council tax records, and a thorough investigation was carried out.

The owner of the property was identified and invited to attend several interviews under caution, which she either failed or refused to attend.

During a hearing at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court on Friday 19 July 2024, the resident pleaded guilty to failing in their duty of care to check her waste was being taken away by a licensed carrier. As a result - and severe hardships in the current financial climate - they were fined £40, with £330 costs.

They now also have a criminal record.

Cllr Natalie Warren-Green, Lead Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Licensing for South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “This is an excellent example of joined up working within South Cambridgeshire District Council, providing mutual aid and support to reduce and erase fly-tipping, through demonstrating a successful result in court. I addition, this case highlights the dangers of not taking all reasonable precautions to safeguard waste transfers.

We will not tolerate fly tipping and will make sure that those that do, will be prosecuted.”

Cllr Sally-Ann Hart and Cllr Jose Hales, district councillors for Melbourn Meldreth, Shepreth & Whaddon ward, said: “'Many thanks to the fly-tipping team at South Cambs District Council for their prompt action. This case once again highlights the need for residents to verify that waste carriers are registered with the Environment Agency and that failing to do so when disposing waste is a criminal offence. The District Council has a reasonably priced Bulky Waste collection service to assist residents.”

If paying someone to take rubbish away, always use a registered waste carrier, which you can verify on the Environment Agency website, to provide a skip or collect your rubbish so you can be confident that it will not end up dumped.

Any failure to secure such paperwork or allowing waste to be taken away by unlicensed carriers can result in severe financial penalties.

In a report published by the House of Commons Library the range of impacts of fly-tipping includes a blight on the local environment, a danger to public health and a hazard to wildlife. It also highlights how it undermines legitimate waste businesses. 

Residents are asked to report fly tipping to the District Council using an online web form or, if they are witnessing a fly tip in action, call 999. The District Council also has a Bulky Waste collection service.