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Stapleford Planning appeal: Tuesday 7 December 2021


The documents below comprise the core documents pursuant to an appeal under section 78 against the refusal by South Cambridgeshire District Council of outline planning application ref. 20/02929/OUT.

Outline planning for the development of land for a retirement care village in use class c2 comprising housing with care, communal health, wellbeing and leisure facilities, public open space, landscaping, car parking, access and associated development and the provision of land for use as a countryside park for public access
Land between Haverhill road and Hinton way, Stapleford, Cambridge. APP/W0530/W/21/3280395. 

Please note the below documents might not meet Accessibility WCAG.2.1 standards, this is because they have been produced externally and are therefore exempt from the legislation. If you require any of the below documents in an accessible format please do contact us.

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CD1: Application documents and plans

CD2: Additional amended documents and plans

CD3: Committee report and decisions

CD4: The development plan

 CD5: Relevant documents