View information for all neighbourhoods on our neighbourhood plans page.
Current stage
The Foxton Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 17MB] was made on 5 August 2021 after a successful referendum. The Foxton Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in this area will need to be made comply with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
The Foxton Parish Council website also has information on the neighbourhood plan.
Neighbourhood area designated
On 17 November 2015 the Planning Portfolio Holder designated the Foxton neighbourhood area.
- Application to designate Foxton neighbourhood area [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Foxton neighbourhood area designated map [PDF, 0.8MB]
Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement
Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16)
Foxton Parish Council submitted the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan to South Cambridgeshire District Council on 10 February 2020.
The consultation ran between 9am 12 January 2021 and 5pm on 23 February 2021.
Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents:
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan (February 2020) [PDF, 8MB]
- Basic Conditions Statement [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Consultation Statement [PDF, 2MB]
The supporting evidence documents for the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan are available to view on the Foxton Parish Council website.
Examination (Regulation 17)
The Foxton Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination on 24 February 2021.
- Examiner's Clarification Note [PDF, 0.2MB] (2 March 2021)
- Foxton Parish Council's response to the Examiner's Clarification Questions [PDF, 0.3MB] (11 March 2021)
- Foxton Parish Council's additional comments on representations [PDF, 87Kb] (11 March 2021)
- South Cambridgeshire District Council's response to the Examiner's Clarification Questions [PDF, 0.2MB] (12 March 2021)
The Examiner's Report [PDF, 0.3MB] for the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan was received by South Cambridgeshire District Council on 20 April 2021.
Referendum stage
The referendum on the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan took place on 22 July 2021.
The following documents are those specified in the Referendum Information Statement [PDF, 1MB].
- The 'Referendum' version of the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 8.5MB] (including a map of Foxton Neighbourhood Plan area).
- The Examiner's Report on the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan. [PDF, 0.3MB]
- The written representations on the submission version of the Foxton Neighbourhood Plan, that were submitted to the independent examiner.
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan submission version - Part 1 [PDF, 2.5MB]
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan submission version - Part 2 [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan submission version - Part 3 [PDF, 2MB]
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan submission version - Part 4 [PDF, 5MB]
- Foxton Neighbourhood Plan submission version - Part 5 [PDF, 0.5MB]
- Our decision statement on the receipt of the Examiner's Report and its decision to proceed to referendum (May 2021) (including a statement of satisfaction that the 'For Referendum' version of the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and is legally compliant).
- A statement that sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and referendum. [PDF, 0.2MB]
Making the Neighbourhood
The Foxton Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 0.1MB] was made on 5 August 2021. The Foxton Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made comply with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Made (adopted) Decision Statement (5 August 2021) [PDF, 0.1MB]