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Fen Drayton former LSA estate SPD

Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate SPD - adopted May 2011:

Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate: Implications of the Withdrawal of the Code for Sustainable Homes  [PDF, 0.3MB]- approved in September 2015 as Council Policy to be used as a material consideration when considering planning applications

The SPD is still a material consideration when making planning decisions.

Latest news – Changes to Government Guidance and the Implications for the SPD

The Planning Portfolio Holder approved the ‘Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate: Implications of the Withdrawal of the Code for Sustainable Homes [PDF, 0.3MB]’ document as Council Policy to be used as a material consideration when considering planning applications within the Fen Drayton former LSA estate special policy area, alongside adopted Policy SP/11 and the adopted Fen Drayton Former LSA Estate SPD.

The ‘Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate: Implications of the Withdrawal of the Code for Sustainable Homes [PDF, 0.3MB]’ document details how we will now consider planning applications within this area, and how proposals can demonstrate they meet the requirements of the policy.

We can no longer insist that new homes meet CfSH Level 6, the development would need to deliver many of the same design principles in order to meet the necessary requirements. Specific paragraphs of the SPD have therefore been revised to remove the references to the CfSH and to set out guidance on what is expected instead that will still ensure that any proposals meet the requirements of the policy.

The revisions are set out in the ‘Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate: Implications of the Withdrawal of the Code for Sustainable Homes’ [PDF, 0.3MB] document. All other sections of the SPD remain unchanged and planning applications should still demonstrate how they comply with all adopted planning policies and all other aspects of the SPD, other than the requirements relating to the CfSH.

What is the Fen Drayton Former LSA Estate SPD?

The SPD expands upon Policy SP/11 which was adopted as part of the Site Specific Policies DPD in January 2010.

The policy SP/11 allows the reuse or redevelopment of buildings (excluding glass houses) where it can be demonstrated they are no longer needed for agricultural purposes for on site experimental or other ground breaking forms of sustainable living, provided that the development would not occupy a larger footprint than existing buildings.

The purpose of the Fen Drayton Former LSA Estate SPD is to provide practical advice and guidance on how to develop a proposal that will comply with Policy SP/11.

Adoption Documents

Supporting Documents