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District Design Guide SPD

District Design Guide SPD - adopted March 2010: 

This SPD was adopted by us to provide guidance to support Development Plan Documents that have now been replaced by the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan 2018. This document is still a material consideration when making planning decisions.

What is the District Design Guide SPD?

The guide gives more information on district-wide policies included in the Development Control Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) and policies in individual Area Action Plans for major developments that may vary from the district-wide policies. These policies seek to ensure that design is a core part of the development process.

The guide also builds on national Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development and its supplement: Planning and Climate Change. These promote sustainability and design to achieve a high quality built and natural environment.

The aim of the District Design Guide SPD is to give more guidance on how developments can be made sustainable and meet high design standards in a way that respects the local area.

The revised District Design Guide SPD replaces the old District Design Guide adopted as Council Policy in November 2005.

Adoption of the District Design Guide SPD

We adopted the District Design Guide SPD on 2 March 2010.

The adopted SPD takes account of any representations received during the public consultation. To see a summary of these and the Council's answers visit Planning and New Communities Portfolio Holders Meeting - 2 March 2010.

Adoption Documents