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Our new website is coming on Tuesday 25 March, and we can’t wait for you to see it!

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Environmental Crime pollution.svg

Approval for an attachment to a streetlight

Attaching something like a speed monitoring device or metal sign to a streetlight may affect the structural integrity of the light or interfere with public access and maintenance. You should therefore seek approval from us if you wish to attach anything to one of our streetlights.

We accept applications for attachments from non-commercial organisations for signs, vehicle speed indication devices, CCTV and Smart City measures. Where vehicle speed indication devices are intended they should be battery rather than mains operated. We will not approve applications for the attachment of hanging baskets, festive decorations, catenary wires, litter or dog waste bins, or banners.

To enquire about making an attachment to one of our streetlights please email using the service contact details below. 

Please be aware that attachments that have not been approved by us may be removed to ensure safety. 

Contact Details