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Permitting process

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC)

Emissions from industry are controlled by the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) regime.

IPPC has been implemented to meet the following environmental objectives:

  • protection of the environment as a whole by preventing or minimising emissions to all media (air, land and water)
  • encourage reductions in raw materials and energy use, and increased recycling and reuse
  • promote the use of clean technology to reduce pollution at source
  • encourage new methods (innovation), by making industrial operators responsible for developing solutions to environmental issues
  • provide a "one-stop shop" for administering applications for permits to operate
  • simplify and strengthen the role of the regulators.


We must maintain a register of permitted processes. Our public register [PDF, 0.3MB] includes details of the location, operator and permitted process at each site. The register also includes current applications. You may comment on current applications or ask for more information about particular processes on the register by emailing

Part A1 Permits

Part A1 Permits control activities with a range of environmental impacts and are regulated by the Environment Agency. These activities include:

  • emissions to air, land and water
  • energy efficiency
  • waste reduction
  • raw materials consumption
  • noise, vibration and heat
  • accident prevention

Part A2 Permits

Part A2 Permits control a variety of industrial emission (as in Part A1 but these are generally smaller scale than the A1 processes). We’re in charge of regulating Part A2 Permits.

Part B Permits

Part B Permits control activities which cause emissions to air. We’re in charge of regulating Part B Permits.

The permitting process

Not all industrial activity requires an authorisation or permit to operate. Those that do are regulated either by us or the Environment Agency (EA).

Operating a prescribed activity without a permit could lead to a £50,000 fine.

Each industry must apply for a permit to the relevant regulatory authority. To get a permit to operate an installation, the operator when completing the permit application must demonstrate how they will:

  • ensure satisfactory environmental management of the installation
  • prevent or minimise waste production
  • prevent accidents or minimise their effect
  • ensure that closure of the installation does not leave residual pollution
  • promote energy efficiency, waste minimisation and management
  • ensure compliance with other EU Directives, community and national environmental quality standards (EQSs) and domestic regulations
  • apply Best Available Techniques (BAT)

Best Available Techniques (BAT)

To get a permit, operators must show that they have developed proposals to apply the Best Available Techniques (BAT) to pollution prevention and control. They must also show that they address other requirements, relevant to local factors.

BAT is defined by the regulations as follows:

"...the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation, which indicates the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing, in principle, the basis for emission limit values designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce emissions and the impact on the environment as a whole".

Industries requiring permits

IPPC applies to specified installations, including both existing and new builds. This requires each operator to get a permit from the appropriate regulator. The following industrial sectors are required to hold a permit:

  • energy production
  • refineries
  • production and processing of metals
  • production of cement and lime
  • activities involving asbestos
  • glass, glass fibre and other mineral fibre manufacture
  • ceramic production
  • organic and inorganic chemical production
  • fertiliser and biocide manufacture
  • pharmaceutical manufacture
  • explosives manufacture
  • storage of bulk chemicals
  • incineration
  • landfill
  • paper manufacture
  • tar and bitumen processes
  • coating, printing and textile activities
  • dye, ink and coating material manufacture
  • timber activities
  • rubber activities
  • processing of food
  • intensive farming

Permit operation

As part of the application process, permit operating conditions are agreed with the regulator and must include:

  • emission limit values for pollutants
  • measures for the protection of soil and groundwater, and management of waste
  • requirements for environmental monitoring
  • the operator must also consider the condition of the site at the time of the original application. This will contribute to assessing the need for restoration if the installation closes

The operator of the activity must carry out monitoring to demonstrate compliance with the permit conditions. Regulators will also carry out monitoring and regular inspections and have a range of enforcement powers.

If you want to carry out an activity that may fall within the IPPC regulations contact

If you believe an industry is operating against the requirements of a Permit, email Air Quality or call 01954 713 000 to report activities and incidents.


Radon is a colourless, odourless (smell-free) radioactive gas. It’s formed by the radioactive decay of small amounts of uranium that occur naturally in all rocks and soils.

Every building contains radon, but the levels are usually low. The chances of a higher level depend on the type of ground. Public Health England has published a map showing where high levels are more likely.