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I have a job and rely on transport to gain access to this. Will this be considered when I am rematched?

Yes, if you make us aware of any employment, or school placements, this will be taken into account when we look for a new host for you. However, we cannot guarantee that we will find you a new host in your current area.

Why are the guests being rematched?

There are a number of reasons as to why rematches take place. These could be down to a relationship breakdown, or because their host has indicated they no longer wish to host their guests.

How long will it take for guests to be rematched?

It is difficult to put a time frame on this process as we need to complete DBS checks and property checks if you have not previously hosted. However, we will update the hosts at every point of the process to keep them in the loop.

Social housing 

Is it true that, as a resident in South Cambridgeshire, Ukrainians can apply for council/housing association housing in either or both of South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge City?

Ukrainians who have arrived through the Homes for Ukraine scheme have access to public funds, therefore they are entitled to apply to Homelink for social housing in South Cambridgeshire. If you are employed in Cambridge City, you can apply for a special connection to allow her to bid on Cambridge City properties. For more information and to register with HomeLink, the local social housing register, please visit the home link website.

How can Ukrainians apply for social housing in Cambridge City?

If you do not have a local connection to Cambridge City then you would not be able to apply for social housing in Cambridge City. Please note that every bidding cycle there are a number of ‘cross partner’ properties which allow applicants to bid on properties in other partner areas. You would therefore be able to bid on Cambridge City properties this way.

Is there likely to be any social housing available to Ukrainians now in South Cambridgeshire or Cambridge City, or is this never going to be a realistic option for Ukrainians?

Social Housing is highly oversubscribed in South Cambridgeshire. We would not be able to give a definitive answer as to whether your guest would be successful in securing social housing as each application is banded according to priority.

Can I register with Homelink now or must I wait until I have been here 6 months?

Home-Link is the choice based lettings scheme for all council and housing association homes in Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk, because you have access to public funds you can apply now.

Private rental

If you are a mother and a child, you will be entitled to the 2 bedroom Local Housing Allowance rate of the housing element on your Universal Credit. If you were to rent a 1 bed or a studio (which will be cheaper than a 2 bed), would you get the 2 bedroom rate?

Yes. If you have a 2 bed need, but chose to rent a 1 bed they would still be entitled to the 2 bed rate. Please visit the Direct Gov website for more information on Local Housing Association rates.

Will South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council be acting as guarantor for private landlords that require this?

No, we are unable to act as a guarantor for private rentals. There are a number of companies who can offer this service. If you find a company you wish to use, we would be able to pay an arrangement fee, but the contract would still be between your guest (the applicant) and the guarantor company.