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Sport Health And Wellbeing

Access to health and wellbeing services

If you are experiencing an extreme medical emergency, call 999 or 112 and ask for the ambulance service.

Access to free healthcare when you arrive

Ukrainian refugees will be granted free access to NHS healthcare on a similar basis as other UK residents – including, for instance, the offer of COVID-19 vaccines and medical screenings. This covers any NHS treatment that started on or after 24 February (the date the full-scale Russian invasion began). This includes NHS dentistry. New arrivals should register in the same way as resident citizens.

Guests can contact Healthwatch Cambridgeshire if they feel that they are being denied the ability to access healthcare. The number to call is 0330 355 1285.

More healthcare options

Please see the information below for more advice on different healthcare options that you may need. 

How to seek urgent healthcare support

If it is an extreme emergency, call 999 or 112 and ask for an ambulance to transport you to a hospital. This service is free of charge but should only be used in an emergency. If you can do so, you may also make your own way to the Accident and Emergency department.

If you need treatment or advice that is not an emergency, but cannot wait until you next see your general practitioner, (GP) you can obtain advice by calling 111.

The NHS also provides walk-in or Urgent Treatment Centres where you can receive treatment for minor injuries. 

Addenbrookes Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) is in Clinic 9, near the outpatients main entrance. Call 111 and they will let the UTC know you are coming. Or go to the Accident and Emergency entrance at Addenbrookes Hospital.

How to access medication

Most general practitioner (GP) practices are not co-located with a pharmacy. If your GP wants you to take a particular medication, he or she will provide you with a prescription that you will need to take to your local pharmacy or chemist. The GP surgery will be able to advise you about where you should go to collect your medicine. You can also find information about the location of local pharmacies online.

There is normally a small charge for prescriptions, which you will be asked to pay when you collect your medication at the pharmacy. However, prescriptions are provided free of charge if you meet certain requirements. There is some variation in what prescriptions are provided depending on where in the UK you are living, but in general, your prescription will be free if you are:

  • age 60 or over
  • age 16 or under
  • age 16 to 18 and in full-time education
  • pregnant (or have had a baby in the previous 12 months)
  • an inpatient receiving care in a National Health Service (NHS) hospital

This list is not exhaustive; free prescriptions may also be available if you have certain specified medical conditions or a continuing physical disability. If you think this may apply to you, you should ask your GP who will be able to provide you with advice.

Some very common medications, such as painkillers and cough medicines, are available for sale over the counter. You will not need a prescription for these types of medication, but you will have to pay for them yourself.

How to access maternity care and services

You will be offered free care when you are pregnant and after you give birth. This is likely to be arranged through your GP. Maternity services cover care from the beginning of pregnancy through to sign off by a midwife: this is usually around 10 days after the birth but can be up to 6 weeks postnatally.

Midwives ensure that personalised care is provided throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Much of this care will be provided directly by midwives, who will also coordinate the provision of obstetric or other medical involvement if necessary.

You should contact a GP or midwife as soon as you find out you’re pregnant. It’s important to see a midwife or GP as early as possible to get the pregnancy (antenatal) care and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy.

You are also entitled to support from a health visitor. A health visitor is a qualified nurse or midwife who has had extra training. They’re there to help you, your family and children up to the age of five to stay healthy.

Information on all you need to know about pregnancy, labour, birth and NHS maternity services can be found on the NHS website.

How to register with a doctor 

To find and register with your nearest local doctor (GP) service and for more information please see how to register with a GP surgery

A general practitioner, commonly known as a GP, is the first doctor you will usually visit for routine health problems in the UK. A GP can offer medical advice, provide a diagnosis and prescribe medicines. They might be your first point of contact for many physical and mental health concerns. The GP practice is also responsible for coordinating and managing your long-term healthcare and they can refer you if you need more specialised hospital services.

Everyone has a right to register with a GP and you do not need proof of address, immigration status, ID or an NHS number (you may be asked to provide ID but it is not a requirement). We strongly recommend that you register with a GP as soon as possible after you arrive. You can also register temporarily if you expect to be in an area for more than 24 hours but less than 3 months. If you have ID this can help make sure your name is spelled correctly in your NHS records.

If you have a child under the age of 19 you can ask for health advice from a health visitor or school nurse. Please call 03000 295 050.

Find further information on the Healthy Child Programme.

You are entitled to NHS dental care to help keep your mouth, teeth and gums free of pain. If your tooth is painful you should call NHS 111 for Urgent Dental Care Services.

You can search for local dentists and ask to register for an appointment. NHS dentistry is only free by exemption (for example, if you are aged under 18 or in receipt of low-income benefits). Costs for dental appointments depend on what treatment you are having. Search for a dentist online - you can find a breakdown of costs here.

How to book an eye test

You can make an appointment with any high street optician to have an eyesight test or get help with your glasses or contact lenses. There may be costs unless you are eligible for a free NHS eyesight test or optical vouchers.

Support for blind and partially sighted guests

Blind and partially sighted refugees, their families or those supporting them, can call a helpline on 0303 123 9999, from 8am to 8pm on weekdays, and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays, to receive specialist advice and information. The helpline will be able to direct callers to support and advice from a collective of sight loss charities to help with issues such as obtaining free specialist equipment, community connection locally and online, eye health, including free eyesight tests and help paying for glasses, employment support and much more.

How to access mental health support services

Mental health problems range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions. We understand that you have been through a very traumatic time and been exposed to a huge mental stress. There are Mental Health Services available that can help you if you are struggling. If you, or someone you love, need help this is best arranged through making an appointment with your GP.

If you would like to seek support for your mental health but do not want to talk to a GP, there are a wide-range of support organisations that offer helplines where you can talk in confidence to a trained advisor. These include:

For the latest guidance on what to do if you have or suspect you have the virus, please visit the UK Government’s COVID-19 advice webpage.



Barnardo’s has set up a Ukrainian Support Helpline to provide a holistic support service to anyone fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Barnardo’s free helpline (0800 148 8586) is staffed by English, Ukrainian and Russian speakers, to offer support to children and families arriving in the UK from Ukraine. The helpline is open Monday to Friday (10am to 8pm) and Saturday (10am to 3pm). Callers will be able to get help and advice on a range of issues. You can also email the team or find out more on the Barnado’s website.

Refugee Council

Refugee Council is offering:

One-to-one counselling – a confidential space for you to feel safe and share your worries with a trained counsellor (in person and online options available). An interpreter can also be provided if you would like to talk in your own language.

Group counselling – meeting new people, building connections, sharing experiences.

Group outings – creating positive memories and getting to know your local area.

Find out more by emailing or telephone 07436 309 103.

British Red Cross

It is common to feel a lot of different emotions after leaving your homeland. The British Red Cross can support you, with help in more than 200 languages. It helps people who are lonely, worried and finding it hard to get the help they need in the UK. It also offers support to find missing family members in Ukraine.

Call them on 0808 196 3651 (open daily 10am to 6pm) and you can ask for an interpreter if you need one. If you are feeling very distressed, call The Samaritans on 116 123 or email

Help for victims of abuse 

Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre has translated its Rape Crisis Self-Help Guide [PDF, 2.5MB] for survivors into Ukrainian. The Centre offers free specialist support for women and girls across Cambridgeshire who have been subjected to rape and sexual violence, no matter when the abuse happened.

Other organisations which can help those affected by sexual abuse or sexual violence are:

  • Men’s Advice Line- helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
  • Survivors UK- specialist service for male victims aged 13 plus who have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.
  • Galop- which has recently launched the UK’s first ever dedicated helpline to support lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people (LGBT+) victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse.
  • Childline- a free service for children and young people whenever they need support or advice.
  • Choices Counselling- for adult survivors of child sexual abuse.