If you, your parish council, school, or local community group are planning to organise a voluntary litter picking event, please complete the form linked above. We can supply litter pickers and gloves to help with your clean-up efforts. Additionally, we provide rubbish bags for collecting litter and can arrange for the collection of these bags after your event.
For larger community clean-up projects, where larger items of waste or graffiti removal are needed, we may also be able to assist.
Volunteers under 18 must be supervised by an adult, and parental permission must be obtained. Supervisors should have a valid DBS check.
If you would like to organise a litter picking or community clear up event, please email streets@scambs.gov.uk
Guidance for volunteer litter pickers
Volunteers taking part in litter picking activities may encounter a range of hazards, many of which can be easily avoided. The guidance below has been created to help volunteers recognise potential risks and ensure that their litter picking experience is both safe and enjoyable.
Protective clothing and equipment
Volunteers taking part in litter picking should always use the following:
- hi-visibility waistcoats to ensure visibility to traffic and pedestrians
- litter pickers to avoid direct contact with litter and reduce bending
- gloves to protect from hazardous materials
- appropriate footwear and clothing
Subject to availability, we can provide litter pickers.
Weather precautions
Dress appropriately for the weather. In hot conditions, wear sunscreen, a cap, and long sleeves, and carry water to stay hydrated. In cold or wet weather, ensure clothing is suitable to keep warm and dry.
Hazardous materials
During litter picks, volunteers may encounter the following and should handle them with caution:
- broken glass: use a litter picker or brush and shovel, avoid direct contact, and dispose of safely
- drug-related litter (for example, needles): do not move. Report the location to us for specialist removal
- dangerous materials or fly-tipping: do not touch or move unknown liquids, asbestos, or other potentially hazardous items. Report the location for removal. If in doubt, leave it and inform us.
Health and safety information
Volunteers should:
- carry out a visual inspection of the area to check it is safe to identify any risks or hazards
- take caution when litter picking beside roads and busy areas
- use litter pickers to prevent bending and stretching
- ensure litter is safe to handle, without sharp edges or hazardous contents
- be restricted to only where there are wide verges or pavements, suitable for pedestrians, and should be carried out facing oncoming traffic
- be mindful of wildlife
- only lift items that can be safely moved, using proper manual handling techniques. Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
Volunteers should not:
- attempt to clear litter from highways or motorways
- collect litter that cannot be easily reached, for example reaching into hedges, rivers or ditches
- disturb animals and birds that may be nesting and in the summer time be wary of wasp and bee nests
- enter an area where works are restricted, are already taking place (for example road works) or where the public do not have a right to entry.
Volunteers have a duty towards themselves, fellow volunteers and the public to work safely. If there is any doubt about the safety of a site or material, then it should be avoided.
Other Dangers
- giant hogweed: avoid touching this plant, as it can cause severe skin reactions. Seek medical advice if irritation occurs.
- weil’s disease (Leptospirosis): this rare infection is spread by contaminated water. Early symptoms include fever, headaches, and muscle pain. Seek treatment immediately if exposed.
Volunteer litter pickers are not covered by the Council’s insurance. It is essential to arrange public liability insurance to cover any potential damage or injury. Check your existing insurance policy, or obtain separate coverage if necessary. Organisations such as parish councils or schools should ensure that litter-picking activities are included in their insurance.
We encourage users to do their own research when finding an insurance provider.
Further Resources
- Keep Britain Tidy - litter picking advice for community groups
- Campaign for Rural England - Litter Action - an online community of voluntary groups and individuals coming together to take action on litter problems locally. See their litter campaign for more information
Participation in litter picking is entirely at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused during these activities.