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Black icon - Bin

Assisted collections

If you're unable to place your bin at the normal collection point, we may be able to offer you an assisted collections service.

You'll be eligible for an assisted collection if:

  • You have a disability or mobility problem that restricts you from putting your bin out
  • There are no other residents in your property who are able to put the bin out for you

Apply for an assisted collection

How our assisted collection works

The collection crew will collect your bin from the agreed location and return it to the same location.

  • The bins must be easily accessible for the crews, ideally at the front of the property
  • gates should be left unlocked where necessary
  • the crew should be able to easily manoeuvre the bins off the property
  • there should be no overhanging branches or shrubs obstructing access as we may be collecting in the dark

If there's a change in circumstance and the service is no longer required, please notify us as soon as possible.

Where a property on an assisted collection is located a long way from the public highway on a private driveway/road, we may require an indemnity from the owner/s of the road to enable our vehicle to access the property where it is not suitable for our crews to walk to collect the waste.

Checks will be carried out by us on the resident’s suitability for the collection service and evidence requested from the householder. Eligibility for the assisted collection service is reviewed every three years. 

Failure to provide evidence on request will lead to this service being withdrawn.

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