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Outline Planning Permission

An application for outline planning permission can be used as a way of establishing the general principle of development at an early stage. Less information is needed up front than with a full planning application.

If outline planning permission is granted further details are agreed at a later stage via the submission of a reserved matters application(s).

The reserved matters can include:

  • appearance 
  • means of access 
  • landscaping 
  • layout - includes buildings, routes and open spaces within the development 
  • scale - includes information on the size of the development

The statutory determination period:

  • 13 weeks from the date the application is valid for a major development
  • 8 weeks in all other cases
  • development is subject to an EIA 16 weeks

Guidance Notes

What you need to submit

The list below shows supporting documents that may need to be submitted as part of your application. Please look at each section below to see whether you need to submit it as part of your application.

When is it required? 

Always required. A completed form is always required (one copy of all application documents must be supplied if submitted by post).

What is required?

Please ensure that you have completed every section of the application form before submitting. Where sections or questions are not relevant please state this on the form.

Sources, policies and references

National validation requirement

Is it required?

They are always required (part of application form)

What is required?

The relevant certificate must be completed, signed and dated (part of application form). Only one certificate should be completed.

  • Certificate A should be completed if the applicant is the only owner of the land to which the application relates or holds an unexpired lease with a term of 7 or more years remaining.
  • Certificate B should be completed if the applicant is not the sole owner but knows the names and addresses of all the other owners.
    The Notice to Owners (Notice 1) must also be completed and sent to all known owners. A copy of the notice must be sent with the application to the local authority.
  • Certificate C should be completed if the applicant does not own all the land to which the application relates and does not know the name and address of all of the owners. The Notice to Owners (Notice 1) must be completed and sent to all known owners. Where the owner is unknown the Notice to Unknown Owners (Notice 2) needs to be published in a local newspaper. A copy of the notice must be sent with the application to the local authority.
  • Certificate D should be completed if the applicant does not own all the land to which the application relates and does not know the names and addresses of the owners. The Notice to Unknown Owners (Notice 2) needs to be published in a local newspaper. A copy of the notice must be sent with the application to the local authority.

Is it required?

It's always required, unless covered by an exemption. 

Common exemptions:

  • For alterations, extensions etc. to a dwelling house for the benefit of a registered disabled person (please provide evidence from the DWP that the applicant is registered as being disabled
  • The first revision of an application for development of the same character or description on the same site by the same applicant within 12 months of making the earlier application if withdrawn or the date of decision if granted or refused and NOT a duplicate application made by the same applicant within 28 days.

What is required?

Current national fees can be found on the Planning Portal. Guidance: GOV.UK: Fees for planning applications

To support you please use the Planning Portal fee calculator.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

Use an up-to-date Ordnance Survey-based location plan at an appropriate scale, usually 1:1250 or 1:2500. In the case of large sites other scales may be appropriate.

The plan must show:

  • At least two named roads and all surrounding buildings or land (unless this would require a plan greater than a scale of 1:2500)
  • The application site (the whole planning unit)
  • A north compass point
  • The scale clearly identified

The plan used should:

  • Show OS Crown copyright  
  • Not to be copied from existing OS mapping, if using hand drawn maps such as standard streets
  • Show the correct licence number if you wish to print or copy maps for applications Ordnance Survey Licensing

The site boundary must be edged clearly with a red line. It should include all land necessary to carry out the proposed development - for example, land needed for access to the site from a public highway, visibility displays, landscape, car parking and open areas around the building. A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site.

When is it required?

Always required

What is Required

Please provide plans and drawings necessary to show the proposed non-material amendment. All drawings must be to an appropriate scale, usually 1:100 and with a scale bar or metric measurements included.

Is it required?

The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact  Assessment) Regulations (2017) apply to two separate types of development:

  • Schedule 1 development, for which EIA is required in every case; and
  • Schedule 2 development, for which EIA is required only if the development in question is judged to give rise to significant environmental effects.

If you are proposing any large or sensitively located development, please ask us about Environmental Impact assessment as part of your preapplication discussion.

What is required?

If your development proposal is considered to be EIA development, then an Environmental Statement (ES) which assesses the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed development will need to be prepared and submitted as part of the planning application. Information for inclusion in an Environmental Statement is set out in Schedule 4 of the Regulations. The scope of any ES should be agreed by the local planning authority in a formal scoping opinion.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

  • Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017
  • National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) - Environmental Impact Assessment

Is it required?

  • for major development (defined as development of 10 or more dwellings (or 0.5 hectares for residential development where the number of dwellings is unknown) for the creation of more than a 1,000 square metres of floor space and where the site is greater than 1 hectare).
  • for development in a designated area (World Heritage Site or conservation area) where the proposed development consists of either one or more dwellings or a building or buildings with floor space of 100 square metres or more.
  • for applications involving listed building consent.

What is required?

A design and access statement should:

  • explain the design principles and concepts
  • demonstrate the steps that have been taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account in relation to the proposal
  • explain the policy adopted as to access and how policies relating to access in relevant development plan documents (DPDs) have been taken into account
  • state what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access to the development and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation
  • explain how specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.

Statements accompanying applications for Listed Building Consent should, in addition to the above, show how they have taken account of:

  • the special architectural or historic importance of the building
  • the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building
  • the building's setting.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

Is it required?

If air quality is likely to be a significant issue. This could be either from:

  • Where a development would adversely affect air quality in a designated Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), or lead to the declaration of a new or increase an existing AQMA, or render unworkable elements of the Council's Air Quality Action Plan.
  • Proposed introduction of a sensitive use (e.g. residential) into an area of poor air quality.
  • Proposed introduction of a sensitive use (e.g. schools and care homes) near busy roads where pollution from traffic is of concern.

What is required?

An appropriate air quality impact assessment taking into account guidance current at the time of the application.
A site based Low Emission Strategy is required for Large development proposals that require a Transport Assessment and a Travel Plan (Policy TI/2).

Source, policies and references

Local Validation Requirement
A site based Low Emission Strategy is required for Large development proposals that require a Transport Assessment and a Travel Plan (Policy TI/2).

  • SCLP Policies SC/12, SC/14 & TI/2
  • NPPF 2018 paragraphs 105, 107, 112, 174 and 186
  • NPPG - Air Quality
  • Land-Use Planning and Development Control: Planning for Air Quality, January 2017 (or as superseded) - Environmental Protection UK (EPUK) and the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM)
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020 (Air Quality - Cambridge)

When is it required?

  • Where development is on or adjacent to land where contamination is known or suspected to exist. All agricultural land and land previously used for industrial purposes.
  • The proposed end use/users is/are sensitive and vulnerable to land contamination.
  • The development is within 250 metres of a currently licensed or historic landfill site.
  • The development could affect or cause the movement of contaminants within the ground.

What is required?

A contaminated land assessment should be undertaken in the following way:

  • Preliminary assessment (Phase I) to determine historical land-uses, current land-uses and environmental settings, provision of initial risk assessment and Conceptual Site Model, proposals for intrusive site investigation if necessary.
  • An intrusive assessment (Phase II) of ground conditions to identify the existence and extent of contamination and any plausible risks to human health and/or the environment, particularly from soils, groundwater and ground gases.
  • Provision of an updated risk assessment / Conceptual Site Model and a suitable remediation/mitigation strategy if contamination is identified above appropriate assessment criteria.

The scope/remit and content of any assessments or supporting information should be discussed and agreed in advance with the local planning authority before it is commissioned -pre-application advice recommended.

Source, policies and references

  • SCLP Policy SC/11
  • NPPF paragraphs 120 (c), 174 (e) and (f), 183 and 184
  • National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) - Land affected by contamination (2014) The Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination (CLR 11)
  • BS (British Standards) 10175:2011+A2:2017 - Investigation of potentially contaminated sites. Code of practice. Environment Agency guidance on contaminated land and risk management
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020

Additional guidance

Is it required?

  • for all Major Developments or developments that are likely to result in noise, smells, dust, visual or other adverse effects during the construction.
  • if a Construction Management Plan is not submitted with the application, it is likely that details will be required by planning condition.

What is required?

The following should be incorporated within any Construction Environmental Management Plan:

  • details of the management of materials (including soils) and wastes on site, including re-use and recycling
  • details of the siting and layout of construction compounds and contractor parking
  • details of mitigation measures for any works that might result noise, smell, dust, visual or other impacts
  • details of temporary haul roads and accesses, and methods of managing vehicle movements to and from the site
  • details of wheel washing facilities, working and delivery hours, methods of demolition
  • details of any protection measures to be installed during the construction to protect any sensitive features, such as water courses or neighbouring residences
  • details and location of site lighting
  • external safety and information signage
  • details of complaints procedures, including contact details and response procedures

Is it required?

  • if new development or the altering or extending of existing buildings would overshadow neighbouring buildings or open spaces. This is particularly relevant for applications for tall buildings (any structure which breaks the existing skyline and/or is significantly taller than the surrounding built form).
  • if existing mature tree planting may have an impact upon residential rear gardens.

What is required?

A statement should be submitted with every application where new building works are proposed. This statement should confirm that the BRE 25 and 45 degree rules of thumb test has been carried out and if the test is passed no further information is required. If the test is not passed, then an assessment is required identifying the impacts on daylight and sunlight.

Source, policies and references

  • SCLP Policy HQ/1
  • BRE guide - 'Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight: a guide to good practice' (second edition)


Is it required?

  • for large scale and complex sites, including new settlements.
  • for 'Large Major' development or any development that is likely to be carried out as a phased development.

What is required? 

Site conditions, ecological and environmental surveys to be undertaken, and suitable mitigation measures identified if necessary. These should be agreed as part of the pre-application discussion.

This should include a Masterplan and Design Code to establish an overall vision and strategy for the site together with parameter plans. The scope and level of detail set out in the Design Code should be agreed as part of the pre-application discussion.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy HQ/1
  • NPPF Chapter 12
  • NPPG - Design
  • South Cambridgeshire District Design Guide, in particular chapter 12 Landscape in New Developments SPD
  • The Urban Design Compendium

When is it required?

A site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is required if the site is:

  • In flood zone 2 or 3 including minor development and change of use
  • More than 1 hectare in flood zone 1
  • Less than 1 hectare in flood zone 1, including a change of use in development type to a more vulnerable class (for example from commercial to residential), where they could be affected by other sources of flooding such as surface water.

What is required?

If a development is proposed in an area of flood risk (either fluvial or surface water), a site specific FRA should be undertaken. This should:

  • Include evidence that the Sequential Test and where necessary the Exception Test have been applied in the selection of the site for the development type. 
  • Take into account different types of flooding: for example, fluvial, surface water and groundwater.
  • Consider the risk of flooding arising from the proposed development as well as to the development site.
  • Take into account the effect of climate change.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

When is it required?

For all new development.

Foul sewage

Most new buildings need separate connections to foul and storm water sewers. If an application proposes to connect a development to the existing drainage system, then details of the existing system should be shown on the application drawing(s). It should be noted that in most circumstances surface water is not permitted to be connected to the public foul sewers (see separate requirement for Surface Water Drainage Strategy below).

Where the development involves the disposal of trade waste or the disposal of foul sewage effluent other than to the public sewer, then a Foul Drainage Assessment will be required, including details of the method of storage, treatment and disposal. A Foul Drainage Assessment should also include a full assessment of the site, its location and suitability for storing, transporting and treating sewage. Where connection to the mains sewer is not practical, then a Foul/Non-Mains Drainage Assessment will be required to demonstrate why the development cannot connect to the public mains sewer system and show that the alternative means of disposal are satisfactory.

If the proposed development results in any changes/replacement to the existing system or the creation of a new system, scale plans of new foul drainage arrangements will also need to be provided. This will include a location plan, cross sections/elevations and specification. Drainage details that will achieve Building Regulations Approval will be required. If connection to any of the above requires crossing land that is not in the applicants' ownership, other than on a public highway, then the red line boundary of the site will need to be annotated accordingly and notice may need to be served on the owners of that land.

Utilities Assessment

An application should indicate how the development connects to existing utility infrastructure systems. Most new developments require connections to existing utility services, including electricity and gas supplies, telecommunications and water supply, and also needs to connect to foul and surface water drainage and disposal.
The applicant should demonstrate:

  • that following consultation with the service provider, the availability of utility services has been examined and that the proposals would not result in undue stress on the delivery of those services to the wider community
  • that proposals incorporate any utility company requirements for substations, telecommunications equipment or similar structures
  • that service routes have been planned to avoid as far as possible the potential for damage to trees and archaeological remains
  • where the development impinges on existing infrastructure, the provisions for relocating or protecting that infrastructure have been agreed with the service provider.

Assessment should be carried out by a suitably qualified expert.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policies CC/7 & TI/8
  • NPPG - Water supply, wastewater and water quality Building Regulations Approved Document Part H
  • General binding rules: small sewage discharge to the ground

When is it required?

Development affecting a heritage asset. Heritage assets are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes which are significant because of their historic interest.

Designated heritage assets include:

  • World Heritage Site
  • Scheduled Monument
  • Listed Building
  • Registered Park and Garden
  • Conservation Area

For new development, consideration should be given to the potential of archaeological assets.

What is required?

The level of information or investigation required to support a proposal that could impact on a heritage asset needs to be proportionate to the significance of the heritage asset and the potential impact of the works proposed. Pre-application meetings are strongly recommended.

As a minimum, statements will be required to identify heritage assets and demonstrate how proposals have preserved or enhanced their significance.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policies NH/14 & NH/15
  • NPPF Chapter 16
  • NPPG - Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Listed Buildings SPD
  • Listed building descriptions
  • Conservation Area appraisals
  • Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record

Is it required?

Development which includes:

  • Material changes of use
  • Proposals for major development
  • Proposals that do not accord with the adopted development plan Where proposals require a sequential assessment of alternative sites Where proposals are located within the Green Belt

What is required?

A planning statement provides information regarding:

  • The context and background to the development
  • Details of and justification for the proposed use, including specific details of activities, intended numbers of staff and users of a site and details of the intensity of use
  • An assessment of how the proposal has taken account of adopted national and local policy and any other material considerations
  • Details of the assessment of alternative sites and why they have been found less sequentially preferable, where required by policy
  • Proposals within the Green Belt should provide reasoned justification in respect of their appropriateness, specifically referencing paragraphs 149 & 150 the NPPF, and detailing any very special circumstances put forward to outweigh any inappropriate development

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • South Cambridgeshire Local Plan
  • NPPF paras 149 & 150

When is it required?

For all major developments of 10 dwellings or more, or if the site area is 0.5 hectares or more, will be required to provide 40%affordable housing.

For Rural Exception Site Policy H/11 - affordable homes outside of the village framework to meet local housing needs.

What is required?

An affordable housing statement will be required to show compliance with policy. This should specify the number of residential units, and show a balanced mix of dwelling sizes (measured by the number of bedrooms), types and tenures of the affordable homes taking into account local housing needs evidence. It should also show the location of the units.
Rural exception site affordable housing applications will, in addition to the above, be required to justify any market housing through a viability assessment.

If the site is within the Green Belt they must show that no alternative sites exist that would have less impact on the Green Belt, having regard to its purposes.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policies H/10 and H/11
  • NPPF paragraph 64
  • NPPF Section 13

When is it required?

For all developments of 10 or more homes, apart from where all the homes are starter homes or all entry-level homes.

What is required?

An assessment showing how the proposal meets the criteria in Policy H/9.

  • Developments of 10 or more homes should provide a specified mix of homes in accordance with policy (except that the mix of affordable homes should address local needs evidence)
  • Developments of 20 or more homes should supply plots for sale to self and custom builders
  • Developments of 9 or fewer homes will take into account local circumstances
  • 5% of homes are to be accessible and adaptable dwellings to Building Regulations M4(2) standard

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy H/9
  • NPPF paragraph 72 and glossary definitions
  • Building Regulations M4 2

When is it required?

All residential proposals

What is required?

Provide accurate room size data (including ceiling heights and room widths). Applicants should state the number of bed spaces /occupiers a home is designed to accommodate rather than the number of bedrooms.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy H/12
  • Technical housing standards - nationally described space standard - Department for Communities and Local Government (2015)

When is it required?

If a new development is likely to have an impact on the local and/or wider landscape or townscape as a result of its proposed location or height.

What is required?

A visual assessment or appraisal with supporting accurate visual representations. Should include assessment on immediate and local context including a preliminary contextual appraisal, as well as any historical, amenity, microclimate and public realm impact of the proposal. Local views need to be considered and agreed at the pre-application stage. A Building Massing Strategy will need to be prepared and included with the Design and Access Statement.

The need for a Building Massing Strategy should be agreed at pre-application stage.

Source, policies and references

  • SCLP Policies HQ/1, NH/2
  • South Cambridgeshire District Design Guide, in particular Chapter 12
  • South Cambridgeshire Landscape in New Developments SPD
  • BRE guide - 'Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight: a guide to good practice' (second edition)
  • Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy
  • East of England Landscape Typology
  • Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3) 3rd Edition 2013

When is it required?

Major development and where landscape proposals will be necessary because the new development is likely to have an impact on the local and/or wider landscape or townscape as a result of its proposed location or height.
Development in or adjacent to the Green Belt.

What is required?

Landscape proposals should be submitted separately or as part of the Design and Access Statement where one is required. For major development as a minimum a landscape strategy or indicative planting scheme should be provided.
Management and maintenance plans must be provided, indicating hard paving areas to be adopted by Cambridgeshire County Council (Highways Authority) and sustainable drainage (SuDs) and landscape features to be adopted by the City Council.

Large scale and complex sites should include a Masterplan and Design Code to establish an overall site landscape vision and strategy.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy HQ/1
  • South Cambridgeshire District Design Guide, in particular chapter 12
  • South Cambridgeshire Landscape in New Developments SPD
  • Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy
  • Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (2016) -provides guidance on SuDs. BS8545:2014

When is it required?

For proposals for new external artificial lighting or changes to existing lighting may have an adverse impact on local residential amenity, wildlife or landscape character through light pollution. Illuminated adverts and outdoor sports facilities (including multi-use games area) where external lighting is proposed.

In particular major sites at the edge of Cambridge and adjoining open countryside in South Cambridgeshire and proposals for floodlighting.

What is required?

Details of external lighting including building, security, floodlighting, street/courtyard columns and bollards shall be provided

Developers of major sites will be required to submit an artificial lighting assessment of the impact on any sensitive residential premises both on and off site.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy SC/9
  • NPPF paragraph 185 (c)
  • NPPG - Light pollution
  • Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP):Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light - GN01/20 (or as superseded) Guidance on undertaking environment lighting impact assessments (PLG04:2013)
    Obtrusive light from proposed developments (BRE Digest - DG 529)
  • Artificial Sports Lighting - Updated guidance for 2012 (Sport England Design Guidance Note or as superseded)
  • Lighting Guide 06: The Exterior Environment - LG6 (CIBSE-LG06/16)
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020

When is it required?

Several policies require these types of studies to accompany planning applications to provide additional evidence. In particular developments which entail the loss of facilities such as public houses, community facilities, sports and leisure facilities, shops, industrial sites and businesses

What is required?

The requirements vary and applicants should take into account the requirements of relevant policies.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • Policies, H/17, H/19, E/14, E/16, E/18, E/19 & SC/3

When is it required?

Noise / Vibration Generation

Where a proposed new development would generate noise or vibration including delivery and servicing and vehicle movements / traffic changes on local roads which may have a negative impact on existing or planned uses (in particular noise sensitive uses such as residential, hospitals, nursing homes, schools etc.).

Applications which involve the installation of mechanical and electrical building services plant / equipment such as flues, air handling units / air conditioning, extraction, air source heat pumps, combustion appliances etc.

New Noise Sensitive Premises

Proposals for residential and other noise sensitive development close to existing sources of noise such as transport (road, rail and air) and industrial, commercial or business premises.

Where the operation of an existing / established business or community facility generating noise could have an unacceptable significant adverse effect on proposed new development (including changes of use) in its vicinity such as the introduction of new noise sensitive premises into an area e.g. residential ('agent of change principle').

What is required?

Where necessary an acoustic (noise and vibration) assessment will be undertaken by a suitably qualified and competent acoustician / person, in accordance with the latest industry and/or Government best practice guidance and relevant British Standards publications.

The assessment shall detail the existing noise environment, the potential noise sources / activities associated with the development and /or the noise sources likely to affect any noise sensitive development. Details of the number of deliveries and the times when deliveries and servicing takes place.

The duration, scope / remit and content of the assessment or supporting information should be discussed and agreed in advance with the local planning authority before it is commissioned, but in any event must comply with relevant and up-to-date UK guidance and standards.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy SC/10
  • NPPF paragraphs 174, 185 & 187
  • NPPG - Noise
  • Noise Policy Statement for England (NPSE, March 2010)
  • British Standards (BS) 4142:2014 +A1:2019-
  • Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound
  • BS 8233: 2014 - Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings
  • Planning & Noise; Professional Practice Guidance on Planning & Noise - New Residential Development, May 2017 with supplementary documents 1 - PLANNING & NOISE POLICY AND GUIDANCE and 2 - GOOD ACOUSTIC DESIGN.
  • IEMA Guidelines for Environmental Noise Impact Assessment, 2014
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) 'Guidelines for Community Noise', 1999
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) 'Night noise guidelines for Europe', 2009
  • World Health Organisation (WHO) 'Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region' 2018
  • Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) Acoustics - Planning Implication, New Guidance for 2015, Sport England Design Guidance Note

Interpretation and guidance notes

Not normally required but may be for heat pumps etc

When is it required?

For proposals for new residential development (conversions or new build) which will need to make provision for new open space.
For proposals adversely affecting or leading to the loss of existing open space.

What is required?

A statement setting out as appropriate how the open space requirements of policy SC/7 are to be satisfied.Where a loss is proposed, a statement having regard to policy SC/8.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • CLP Policy SC/7 and SC/8
  • Playing Pitch Strategy 2015-2031 (updated June 2016) Indoor Sports Facility Strategy 2015-2031 (updated June 2016)
  • Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy (2011) Further guidance will be provided in an Open Space SPD

When is it required?

For all types of new development including change of use applications and the redevelopment of existing sites.

What is required?

Evidence to show that the proposed development complies with the indicative car parking and minimum cycle parking requirements of the Local Plan (set out in Figure 11).
Proposals which seek to depart from the indicative car parking and minimum cycle parking provision standards should provide a reasoned justification.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy TI/3
  • Car Parking: What Works Where - Homes and Communities Agency, and Manual for Streets 1 and 2. Also refer to Planning Practice Guidance
  • CCC Cycle Parking Guide for New Residential Developments
  • Further detailed guidance on parking provision for sports facilities can be found in the Sport England publication Accessible Sports Facilities 2010
  • Guidance on cycle storage is set out in the SCDC District Design Guide

When is it required?

Applications that will require contributions or any form of legal agreement to be entered into.
Applications to vary a condition to an approved planning permission that required a legal agreement.

What is required?

Developers should provide a draft heads of terms that details a schedule of issues (such as affordable housing or contributions to schools) to be addressed during the application process.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

When is required?

Proposals involving additional retail floorspace resulting in a retail unit in excess of the following thresholds should be accompanied by a Retail Impact Assessment, including a sequential test:

  • Rural Centre village centres 500 m2 (gross)
  • Outside such centres 250 m2 (gross)

What is required?

A Retail Impact Assessment to include assessment of:

  • The impact of the proposal on existing, committed and planned public and private investment in a centre or centres in the catchment area of the proposal
  • The impact of the proposal on town and village centre vitality and viability, including local consumer choice and trade in the town and village centres and the wider retail catchment (as applicable to the scale and nature of the scheme)

Sequential test: Applicants should provide evidence that no sequentially preferable sites are available in Town and Rural Centres.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policies E/22 and E/23
  • NPPF - Chapter 7
  • NPPG - Ensuring the vitality of town centres

When is it required?

Major developments

What is required?

A Statement of Community Engagement should include:

  • Details of the community engagement and exercises undertaken, including who has been involved and any events that have been held
  • Copies of responses received following any community engagement events
  • Details of how the scheme has evolved in response to the community engagement process

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • NPPF paragraph 40
  • NPPG - Before submitting an application

When is it required?

A surface water drainage strategy is required for all scales of development where surface water will be created or affected.

What is required?

The means of and changes to surface water drainage for householder applications must be shown on the submitted plans. For all other applications, the key information that a surface water drainage strategy must contain is:

  • How the proposed surface water scheme has been determined following the drainage hierarchy
  • Pre-development runoff rates
  • Post development runoff rates with associated storm water storage calculations (see policies referenced below for specific runoff requirements)
  • Discharge location(s)
  • Drainage calculations to support the design of the system
  • Infiltration testing to BRE365 if the proposals recommend infiltration for surface water disposal
  • Drawings of the proposed surface water drainage scheme including sub catchment breakdown where applicable
  • Maintenance and management plan of surface water drainage system (for the lifetime of the development) including details of future adoption
  • Completed drainage proforma included within the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD - the applicant must ensure that the surface water strategy contains the appropriate level of information in relation to the points covered in the proforma.

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) must be shown on all relevant plans submitted.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • CLP Policies CC/8 and CC/9
  • Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (2016) Cambridgeshire County Council Surface
  • Water Drainage Guidance for Developers (2018) Ciria SuDS manual (C753)
  • Building Regulations Approved Document Part H
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020

When is it required?

For all sizes of development.

What is required?

A sustainability statement and checklist should outline the approach to:

  • climate Change mitigation, including carbon reduction
  • water management
  • site waste management
  • use of materials
  • other issues including biodiversity and ecology; land, water, noise and air pollution; transport, mobility and access; health and wellbeing; and culture, heritage and the quality of built form, including the efficient use of land.

The statement should be integrated within the Design and Access statement so that it is clear that sustainable design and construction has been integrated into the overall design.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement. 

  • SCLP policy CC/1
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020, particularly Appendix 1

When is it required?

For all telecommunications proposals

What is required?

Planning applications for mast and antenna development by mobile phone network operators in England should be accompanied by a range of supplementary information including the area of search, details of any consultation undertaken, details of the proposed structure, and technical justification and information about the proposed development.

Applications should also be accompanied by a signed declaration that the equipment and installation has been designed to be in full compliance with the requirements of the radio frequency (RF) public exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy TI/7
  • Code of best practice on mobile development in England

When is it required?

A Transport Assessment or statement is required for;

  • Residential Developments at or above 20 dwellings or 0.5 hectares
  • Other developments at or above 1000m2 or 1 hectare
  • Where developments have significant transport implications

What is required?

A detailed transport assessment or a less detailed transport statement may be required in accordance with the latest County Council guidance. The exact scale of assessment required should be agreed with Cambridgeshire County Council.

Source, policies and references

  • SCLP Policy TI/2
  • NPPF paragraph 111
  • NPPG - Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements
  • Transport Assessment Guidelines, Cambridgeshire County Council September 2019 (or as superseded)

When is it required?

A Travel Plan is required for;

  • Residential Developments at or above 20 dwellings or 0.5 hectares
  • Other developments at or above 1000m2 or 1 hectare
  • Where developments have significant transport implications

What is required? 

  • Transport Assessment and Travel Plan (including a Low Emissions Strategy Statement)
  • A Travel Plan in accordance with the latest County Council guidance
  • The exact level of Travel Plan should be agreed with Cambridgeshire County Council
  • All other developments: a Transport Statement

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy TI/2
  • NPPF paragraph 113
  • NPPG - Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements
  • Transport Assessment Guidelines, Cambridgeshire County Council (2017) (or as superseded)

When is it required?

For sites on which demolition, building or engineering operations (including the excavation of foundations is being carried out, and for  changes in level and service/utility runs) where these may affect trees both on-site, or on adjoining land. 

What is required?

As a minimum, applicants should submit a tree survey for sites where trees are present on or adjacent to the site.

Applicants will be required to submit a full Arboriculture Impact Assessment (AIA) in accordance with BS5837:2012, to include full BS schedule information where trees and or hedges are to be removed or likely to be impacted along with, required mitigation and areas for replacement tree planting.

Applicants will need to submit an Arboriculture Method Statement in accordance with BS 5837 detailing all the methodologies required to successfully protect retained trees.

Applicants will be required to submit a woodland management plan where blocks of trees may become integral to the landscape and character of a new development.

Particular consideration should be given to veteran or ancient trees and hedgerows identified as 'important' under the Hedgerow Regulations 1997.

Source, policies and references

National validation requirement

  • SCLP NH/7
  • NPPF paragraphs 174 & 180
  • Trees and Development Sites SPD
  • Trees and Design Action Group (TDAG) guidance BS5837
  • BS3998

When is it required?

Required for all non-householder development and where a Construction Management Plan (4) has not been separately provided

What is required?

A Traffic Management Plan in accordance with the latest County Council guidance.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy CC/6
  • Traffic Management Plan: notes for guidance, Cambridgeshire County Council
  • Transport Assessment Guidelines, Cambridgeshire County Council September 2019 (or as superseded)

When is it required?

New development of 20 or more dwellings or 1,000m2 or more floorspace.

What is required?

For developments 20-100 dwellings or 1,000 to 5,000m2 or more floorspace the Health Impact Assessment will take the form of an extended screening or rapid Health Impact Assessment to demonstrate new development will have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of new and existing residents. For developments of 100 or more dwellings, or 5,000m2 or more floorspace, a full Health Impact Assessment will be required.

Source, policies and references

  • SCLP Policy SC/2
  • National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) - Health and wellbeing
  • Detailed guidance will be provided in a new SPD

When is it required?

All applications for permanent dwellings in the countryside for full-time workers in agriculture or forestry or in another business where a rural location is essential.

Extensions to dwellings restricted for use by persons in agriculture, forestry or other rural enterprise.

What is required?

Applicants must provide supporting information to demonstrate that their proposal meets the requirements of Policy H/19 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (SCLP) 2018.Information demonstrating the dwelling could be financially supported by the enterprise following extension.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policies H/13 and H/19

When is it required?

New residential, employment and commercial development. 

What is required?

As a minimum the provision of suitable ducting to the public highway that can accept fibre optic cabling or other emerging technologies.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy TI/10
  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Broadband Plan.

When is it required?

For new developments of 200 homes or more (including cumulative total of groups of smaller sites).

What is required?

A community facilities assessment and strategy to be prepared in consultation with service providers and approved by the local authority in partnership with landowners and stakeholders. This should include opportunities for joint provision and co-location of compatible services and facilities.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy SC/4
  • NPPF paragraphs 93 & 187
  • Playing Pitch Strategy 2015-2031 (updated June 2016)
  • Indoor Sports Facility Strategy 2015-2031 (updated June 2016)

When is it required?

All major new development

What is required?

A statement setting out how the carbon reduction requirements for new development have been met. The Statement should include carbon calculations based on Building Regulations Part L requirements (SAP/SBEM) and should be set out following the energy hierarchy (Be Lean, Be Clean, Be Green). The 10% requirement is calculated on the basis of the baseline carbon emissions once the Be Lean and Be Clean elements have been applied.

The statement can be integrated into the sustainability statement or as a standalone document.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy CC/3
  • Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020

When is it required? 

All scales of commercial development and development of new residential units.

What is required?

Developers must demonstrate how they have provided safe, secure, convenient, and accessible provision for waste management, recycling and collection.

This should be in line with the RECAP Waste Management Design Guide and Toolkit.

Source, policies and references

Local validation requirement

  • SCLP Policy HQ/1
  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Core Strategy - Policy CS28
  • RECAP Waste Management Design Guide Toolkit (2012)
  • RECAP Waste Management Design Guide
  • South Cambridgeshire District Design Guide

When it is required

You must demonstrate how your major development site meets the minimum mandatory requirement of 10% biodiversity net gain over the pre-development value of the site.

The minimum information that you must submit is set out in paragraph 9 of the draft biodiversity net gain planning practice guidance.

What is required

Some of these requirements are included in the standard application form available on the Planning Portal. With your application, you must include a completed statutory biodiversity metric and a scaled plan.

Biodiversity metric must be submitted in an Excel format.

Source, policies and references

National validation is required.