We have put together a list of some of the most common questions that we get asked about various aspects of Northstowe. We hope that this page is helpful.
If you have a question and answer that you would like added to this page, please send the details through to communications@scambs.gov.uk
We will add further questions and answers to this page in future.
With regards to the timing of each building coming forwards, here’s what we can tell you:
- Northstowe Secondary College: Community space has been available to hire at Northstowe Secondary College since the building opened. Please visit the Northstowe Secondary College website to check their availability. The college offers a 15% discount on booking their facilities if community groups making the booking are located in Northstowe or Longstanton. Any queries can be sent to lettings@northstowesc.education
- Pathfinder Primary School also has community spaces available for hire. Contact Pathfinder Primary School via office@pathfinderschool.org.uk for more information.
- Phase 1 Sports Pavilion: The building is now completed and has been handed over to the Council. The building and pitches were officially opened on Saturday 20 January 2024.
- The Cabin (Temporary community centre): The building officially opened on Monday 17 July 2023. Anyone who wishes to book the temporary community centre for a group or event can complete a booking form. Northstowe Hub Café is open at The Cabin on Wednesdays from 9am to 12:30pm and 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and alongside the monthly market and 10am-12pm on the Sundays when the market is not on. . Hot drinks are also available on a self-service basis outside of café hours.
- You can view a video of the building being delivered below; our thanks to SkyTech Cambridge for the footage. The building has been placed on land owned by the Council next to The Green, on Pathfinder Way, alongside the area earmarked for Northstowe’s permanent community centre. The large single-storey modular building includes a generous lobby with kitchenette and toilets, storage, and has space for 3 offices, an NHS room, and 2 large community rooms which can be used for a wide range of activities for all ages including:
- Community cafe and pantry
- Baby and toddler groups
- Private hire for events such as birthday parties
- Children and youth activities
- Art workshops and events
- Meeting spaces for sport and activity groups
- Phase 1 Community Centre - Unity Centre: The Council has been talking to Northstowe residents about what the permanent community centre, and wider area, might look like. A planning application was submitted in September 2023, and approved by the Council's Planning Committee on Wednesday 13 December 2023. The Council has now formally appointed Kier as contractors to build the centre. Building work is due to start on-site in early 2025. It is currently anticipated that the building will be completed in early 2026 – and Northstowe residents will be kept informed during the construction process.
- Phase 2 Town Hub: The Town Hub, currently expected delivery is 2028, will provide health, library and community space. We are currently working with partners and stakeholders to produce a detailed design brief.
- Phase 2 Sports Pavilion: Work has not yet started on this facility which will come at a later stage of Northstowe's development. It is anticipated that this pavilion will likely be delivered when around 2,500 homes at Northstowe are occupied.
Following the work that was undertaken on the concept master plan for the Enterprise Zone and Local Centre, South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) has been working to prepare options as to how to best bring the site forward. A key parcel within the scheme was previously held on option for Cambridgeshire County Council for the provision of a Household Waste Recycling Centre. Earlier this summer, Cambridgeshire County Council officially declined to take up this option and SCDC are working with developers L&Q Estates regarding our option for first refusal to purchase this key parcel within the Enterprise Zone. Meanwhile, our Council officers have met informally with a number of parties and are taking specialist advice on the different options available to deliver the site, and the uses required by the community and the market.
Homes England also has land and outline planning permission for shops and cafes on a later stage of Phase Two as part of what will become the town centre. This is an initial phase of the Northstowe town centre. It is planned to include a market hall and a convenience store, as part of a mix of uses appropriate to a town centre setting. It also includes space for the Civic Hub building, including library, health and community space.
Northstowe Hub Café is open at The Cabin (Temporary Community Centre) on Wednesdays from 9am to 12:30pm and 3:30pm to 5:30pm, and alongside the monthly market and 10am to 12pm on the Sundays when the market is not on. Hot drinks are also available on a self-service basis outside of café hours via a QR code.
A monthly market runs on the first Sunday of the month on The Green from 10am to 2pm, with a variety of food and craft stalls. Visit the Markets page on the Northstowe Town Council website for traders lists and updates.
Mobile Food Hub is on The Green every Friday, 10:30am to 11:30am. Open to everyone, it provides fresh produce and essential items either for free or at a reduced price. The service is provided by HOPE CIC and supported by Northstowe Town Council. For queries or more information, visit hopeagainst.org or contact hopecic.uk@gmail.com.
Northstowe Foodies organises weekly local food truck events at The Green, just outside The Cabin. These take place from Wednesday to Saturday between 5 and 8pm, with additional events on select Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. The food truck lineup varies each week based on availability and can be checked on their Facebook or Instagram pages @northstowefoodies, look out for the pinned post at the top of the page.
A portion of the pitch fees paid by the food trucks (30 to 50%) is reinvested into the community to support local projects.
The food trucks are booked by Off the Beaten Truck on behalf of Northstowe Foodies.
With most of the housebuilders’ construction work finished, Urban&Civic (previously L&Q Estates) are now in a position to undertake the highway finishing works.
Details on these works can be found in the document below.
Currently, as was always intended, Northstowe residents can register with the local GP surgery at Willingham Medical Practice.
The Civic Hub, planned as part of Phase 2 of Northstowe, will provide healthcare space, including GP services. Note that responsibility for health planning and delivery sits with the NHS locally.
The following questions have been answered during recent Northstowe Community Forums.
Who is Greenbelt and what are their fees for?
Greenbelt manage and maintain communal open spaces areas in Phase 1 of Northstowe including open space within house parcels. Bills are issued in November. Greenbelt can be contacted via their website.
Any updates on missing post?
The issue of missing post has been escalated to Royal Mail and they are investigating.
How much of the National Highways grant funding and Homes England Section 106 legal agreement monies were used on the dedicated Heritage Centre project?
“Up to the point of the main contractor going into administration, when unfortunately, the dedicated Heritage Centre project had to stop mid-build; all of the £570,000 National Highways Designated Funds grant and £173,007.93 of the £257,374.00 Homes England Section 106 (S106) Phase 3A monies had been used. Whilst this situation was outside of our control, by using the remaining grant funding and S106 monies, the County Council intends to achieve the main aim of the Heritage Centre by pushing ahead with displaying archaeological finds for the benefit of the community. Finds from both Northstowe and the major upgrade to the A14 will be exhibited at alternative accessible venues to deliver an exhibition near the areas where the artefacts originated so everyone can view the exhibits and find out more about local history.
- You can report a breach of planning control to us
- You can report anti-social behaviour to Cambridgeshire Police
- You can report a crime to Cambridgeshire Police