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Cambridge Northern Fringe East

Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) Background

We are considering the Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) area, which is one of the most important brownfield regeneration opportunities in the Greater Cambridge area.

The Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Local Plans (submitted in March 2014) both propose the preparation of an Area Action Plan for the CNFE area.

Cambridge North Station - Opened May 2017

The planning proposal also included 450-space rail station car park, 1000-space cycle park, a main vehicular access road to the station, the creation of access routes to the Guided Busway, pedestrian and cycle links to the surrounding areas and extension to the existing Cambridge Guided Busway. The station opened in May 2017, however if you wish to view the plans, visit our planning portal.

Land Adjacent to Cambridge North Station

Bidwells submitted a further two applications, on behalf of their client Brookgate Land Limited, on the 4 July 2017. The planning references and proposals are below:

The below planning applications are currently live: 

  • S/2372/17/FL - Erection of 217-bed hotel with ground floor retail (Use Class A1/A3) floorspace, associated landscaping and public realm improvements and a 20 space car park
  • S/2403/17/FL - Erection of building comprising office B1 (a) floorspace and ground floor retail (A1/A3) floorspace, associated landscaping and public realm improvements and a 125 space car park   


How can I view the planning application?

The easiest way to see the planning applications is by clicking on the references below, this will then take you to the application.

  • S/2372/17/FL - Hotel with ground floor retail and other improvements
  • S/2403/17/FL - Office with ground floor retail and other improvements

If you do not have internet access, you can also view the plans at our office between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays.

Please look out on parish notice boards for details of how the Parish Council will make the plans available for viewing.