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West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan

View information for all neighbourhoods on our neighbourhood plans page.

Current stage

West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 13.5MB] was made on 23 September 2022 after a successful referendum which took place on 11 August 2022.

The West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


Neighbourhood Area Designated 

The West Wickham neighbourhood area was designated on 17 November 2015.

Regulation 14 Pre-submission Consultation

West Wickham Parish Council started its pre-submission consultation on the West Wickham neighbourhood plan on 1 May 2021.

The parish council has a website dedicated to their neighbourhood plan

Strategic Environmental Assessment/Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Determination Statement  

SCDC and West Wickham Parish Council have prepared a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening Determination Statement. [PDF, 1MB]

Submission public consultation (Regulation 16)

West Wickham Parish Council submitted the Neighbourhood Plan for its parish on 3 December 2021, along with its supporting documents.

We carried out a public consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan from 18 January to 15 March 2022.

Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents

West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 14MB]

West Wickham Basic Conditions Statement [PDF, 1MB]

West Wickham Consultation Statement [PDF, 13.5MB]

SEA- HRA Determination Statement for West Wickham [PDF, 1MB]

West Wickham Character Assessment 2018 [PDF, 1.5MB]

West Wickham Housing Need Survey January 2017 [PDF, 1MB]

West Wickham Assessment of Green Spaces  [PDF, 0.6MB]

Examination (Regulation 17)

The plan was submitted for examination on 17 March 2022. The examiner sent his final examiner's report [PDF, 0.2MB] to SCDC on 31 May 2022. 

The representations received during the Regulation 16 consultation have now been published and can be viewed on our online consultation system.

On 4 April 2022, the examiner sent a Procedural Letter and Questions [PDF, 0.2MB] to SCDC and West Wickham Parish Council.

West Wickham Parish Council has provided responses to the questions asked by the examiner: West Wickham Parish Council Response (11 May 2022) [PDF, 91Kb]

Referendum Stage

The referendum on the West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan took place on 11 August 2022. 

Here is the result of the vote. [PDF, 10Kb]

The following documents are those specified in the Referendum Information Statement. [PDF, 0.5MB]

Making the Neighbourhood Plan

West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 13.5MB] was made on 23 September 2022. The West Wickham Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire.  All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.