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Cambridge Green Belt Study (September 2002)

What is the Cambridge Green Belt Study (September 2002)?

We appointed Landscape Design Associates to do this study.

The brief was guided by Regional Planning Guidance 6 (RPG6), which says that:

  • a review of the Cambridge Green Belt should be carried out and any proposals for changes to its boundaries included in development plans
  • the review should start from a vision of the city and of the qualities to be safeguarded

(DETR and Government Office for the East of England 2000, Policy 24).

This study, describes and illustrates the factors that contribute to the setting and special character of Cambridge. 

The following files make up the complete version of the Cambridge Green Belt study Cambridge Green Belt Study Word document. [DOC, 0.8MB]

Drawings are referenced within the text which can be found in the following Adobe Acrobat files. They are arranged according to the chapter in which they are referenced. Note that they are intended to be printed in A3 size. To achieve this, make sure your printer can use A3 paper, choose paper size A3 and choose "Expand small page to paper size".

Front Cover:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6:

Chapter 7: