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Duty to co-operate and memorandum of co-operation

Duty to Co-operate

The duty to co-operate was created in the Localism Act 2011. It places a legal duty on local planning authorities and other bodies to co-operate with each other to address strategic issues relevant to their areas. The duty requires ongoing constructive and active engagement on the preparation of Local Plans and other activities relating to the sustainable development and use of land, in particular in connection with strategic cross boundary matters.

The Statement of Compliance with Duty to Cooperate (March 2014) sets out how we have co-operated with other bodies in preparing the Local Plan.

The Statement of Cooperation between the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Nature Partnership and the applicable Local Planning Authorities [PDF, 0.6MB] (April 2013) sets out how we have co-operated with the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Nature Partnership.

The Joint Position Statement on Foul Water and Environmental Capacity in relation to Proposed Development within South Cambridgeshire District [PDF, 0.2MB] (January 2014) sets out the current understanding of Anglian Water and the Environment Agency on the waste water treatment issues within South Cambridgeshire and the associated environmental implications. 

The Memorandum of Understanding between Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council: Greater Cambridge Joint Housing Trajectory [PDF, 2MB] (September 2014) confirms the agreement between the two Councils under the duty to co-operate that the housing trajectories for the two areas should be considered together for Local Plan purposes, including for the purposes of calculating 5-year housing land supply.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Memorandum of Co-operation: Supporting the Spatial Approach 2011-2031

The Cambridgeshire authorities, together with Peterborough City Council, agreed a Memorandum of Co-operation [PDF, 1MB] that was published in May 2013.

The Memorandum demonstrates that the full objectively assessed needs of the Cambridge Sub Region housing market area will be addressed. It also sets out the vision and objectives for the long-term development of the area, an overview of the evidence for future levels of growth, and the broad spatial approach that will help realise the vision and the area’s growth needs.

Strategic Spatial Priorities: Addressing the Duty to Co-operate across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

The Cambridgeshire authorities, together with Peterborough City Council, agreed the Strategic Spatial Priorities document that was published in January 2014.

This document supplements the Memorandum of Co-operation and provides an overview of strategic spatial issues as they apply to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough as a whole.