Current stage
The Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 7MB] was made on 20 May 2021.
The Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
Approval was given by South Cambridgeshire District Council for it to proceed to referendum. The referendum had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Changes in government regulations meant that the plan could not proceed to referendum until 6 May 2021 therefore information in the neighbourhood plan may have been superseded and will require updating when the plan is reviewed.
Neighbourhood area designated
The Cottenham neighbourhood area was designated on 17 November 2015.
- Application to designate Cottenham neighbourhood area [PDF, 0.6MB]
- Cottenham neighbourhood area designated map [PDF, 0.9MB]
Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement
A Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement was prepared for the draft Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan along with Cottenham Parish Council:
Pre-submission public consultation (Regulation 14)
Cottenham Parish Council carried out consultation on its pre-submission Neighbourhood Plan in 2018.
Submission Public Consultation (Regulation 16)
Cottenham Parish Council submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to us, along with its supporting documents. We have confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan complies [PDF, 0.2MB] with all the relevant statutory requirements.
You are able to view all the comments that were submitted on the neighbourhood plan using our online consultation system.
Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan (December 2018) [PDF, 10MB]
- Basic Conditions Statement [PDF, 1MB]
- Consultation Statement [PDF, 9.5MB]
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement for Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan (25 September 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- Strategic Environmental Assessment for Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan (October 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- AECOM Cottenham NP Heritage Assessment (August 2017) [PDF, 5MB]
- AECOM Housing Needs Assessment (December 2017) [PDF, 2MB]
- AECOM Cottenham NP Site Assessment (July 2017) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E1: Housing Need and Supply (December 2018) [PDF, 1MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E2: Brownfield sites (December 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E3: Rural Exception Sites and CLT (December 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E4: Recreation Ground (December 2018) [PDF, 3MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E5: Village Hall (December 2018) [PDF, 2MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E6: Nursery (December 2018) [PDF, 2MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E7: Medical and Day Centre (December 2018) [PDF, 1MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E8: Village Heritage and Character (December 2018) [PDF, 4MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E9: The Golden Thread: Survey to Plan (December 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E10: Burial Ground extensions (December 2018) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E11: Drainage and Flooding (December 2018) [PDF, 2.5MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E12: Village Design Statement 2007 (December 2018) [PDF, 3MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E13: Traffic and Transport (December 2018) [PDF, 0.9MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E14: Community Transport (December 2018) [PDF, 1MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E15: Play (December 2018) [PDF, 0.8MB]
- NP Evidence Paper E16: Open Space (December 2018) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Draft Plan version 2.1 (May 2017) [PDF, 3MB]
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Draft Plan version 3.1a (October 2017) [PDF, 7MB]
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Pre-submission Plan (June 2018) [PDF, 8MB]
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Survey - Final Report (February 2016) [PDF, 1.5MB]
Examination (Regulation 17)
The Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan was submitted for examination on the 18 April 2019. The independent examiner appointed to Carry out the examination was Andrew Ashcroft. The Examiner’s Report [PDF, 1.5MB] [PDF, 0Kb] was received on 10 December 2019.
- Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan Route Map [PDF, 89Kb] - this note sets out the arrangements for the examination of the plan.
- Examiner’s clarification Note (May 2019) [PDF, 0.1MB] [PDF, 0Kb] – this note sets out the examiner’s initial comments on the submitted Plan and sets out areas where it would be helpful to have some further clarification.
- Our response to Examiner's Clarification Questions (June 2019) [PDF, 88Kb]
- Cottenham Parish Council response to Examiner’s Clarification Questions (June 2019) [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Cottenham Parish Council’s Summary Analysis of key points raised in Regulation 16 Representations (August 2019) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Cottenham Parish Council’s Supplementary Diagrams (August 2019) [PDF, 5MB]
- Cottenham Parish Council’s Proposed Actions in response to Regulation 16 Representations (August 2019) [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Our decision statement on the receipt of the Examiner’s Report and its decision to proceed to referendum (February 2020)
The referendum for Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan took place on 6 May 2021.
The following documents are those specified in the Referendum Information Statement. [PDF, 0.7MB]
- The 'For Referendum' version of the Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan area [PDF, 2.5MB]
- The Examiners Report on the Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan [PDF, 1.5MB]
- The written representations on the submission version of the Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan, that were submitted to the independent examiner. This has been split up into 4 parts:
- Our decision statement on the receipt of the Examiner's Report and its decision to proceed to referendum (January 2020) (including a statement of satisfaction that the 'For Referendum' version of the Neighbourhood Plan meets the Basic Conditions and is legally compliant)
- A statement that sets out general information as to town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum [PDF, 0.2MB]
Making of the Neighbourhood Plan
The Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan was made on 20 May 2021. The Cottenham Neighbourhood Plan as made now forms part of the development plan for South Cambridgeshire. All planning decisions in the neighbourhood area will need to be made in accordance with the development plan that now includes the Neighbourhood Plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.