Fraud officers have clawed back £360,000 in false claims for council tax discounts, with the money set to be invested back into public services across South Cambridgeshire.

The money has been returned to District Council budgets after staff uncovered hundreds of false claims by comparing data records.
The District Council, working with Cambridgeshire County Council and partners, runs an initiative to identify individuals incorrectly claiming a Council Tax Single Person Discount – which has netted savings for the district of around £360,000.
Called the Cambridgeshire County Council Fraud Initiative, the project continues to identify single person discount fraud and error, since launching in July 2023.
It works by comparing data held by the local authority with other information such as the electoral register or credit reference data. Where there is a debt identified, it is recovered through the normal Council Tax billing process, with the income used to fund public services.
Data gathered as part of the initiative indicates that around two in 10 claims reviewed by the authority, following intelligence received from data matching, were being claimed incorrectly.
Cllr John Williams, Lead Cabinet Member for Resources at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “Our priority is to ensure fairness for all residents. Claiming a single person discount on Council Tax without eligibility creates an unfair burden on others and takes away vital resources from essential community services. We encourage all residents to do the right thing and accurately report their living arrangements, helping to ensure that Council resources are properly used to support a thriving, honest, and inclusive community."
Erroneous and fraudulent claims for Council Tax discounts or exemptions reduce the overall revenue collected by local councils. This means there is less money available to fund essential public services.
As part of Stop Think Fraud month, South Cambridgeshire District Council is urging people to #DoTheRightThing and report any changes of circumstances which may affect their Council Tax liability. For more information about entitlement please visit the Council’s webpage.
The District Council is also asking anyone with information on suspected fraud to report using the online reporting link.
Children turning 18
· Have your children turned 18 and you’re still claiming Single Person Discount (SPD)?
· You may still be eligible for a student or young person discount but should still declare this to the council if you are claiming SPD so the correct relief can be applied. You may be asked for a student certificate to verify this.
· If a student returns back to the household or leaves their studies, then you need to notify the Council.
Changes in circumstances
· Please don’t forget to report anything that might affect benefits eg increase in wages or a partner moving in.
Council Tax useful information
· Council Tax must be paid on domestic dwellings. The number and type of people living in a home affects the amount and who should pay it.
· A full Council Tax bill assumes two adults (over 18).
· If only one adult lives in a property as their sole or main residence the Council Tax bill is reduced by 25%. This is called Single Person Discount (SPD).
· Please check eligibility on the webpage or call 01954 713000 for advice.
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