News release from: 08/05/2024
May 2024 Planning Committee

The following planning applications were considered at the meeting of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Planning Committee held on Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 10am at South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne.
- Retention of the raising of a chimney to the required height above the new ridge at 88 and 92 Station Road, Histon.
Applicant: Jill Hawker
Decision: Approved
- Retention of the raising of a chimney to the required height above the new ridge at 88 and 92 Station Road, Histon – Listed Building Consent.
Applicant: Jill Hawker
Decision: Approved
- To confirm provisional Tree Preservation Order TPO/07/2024 at 25 High Street, Hauxton for the protection of various deciduous tree species.
Applicant: N/A
Decision: Confirmed
The above decisions are subject to decision notices being finalised and issued. More information about the applications considered by the Planning Committee, along with any other items discussed and a link to watch a recording of the meeting, can be found within the meeting agenda.