News release from: 13/06/2024
June 2024 Planning Committee

The following planning applications were considered at the meeting of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Planning Committee held on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at 10am at South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne.
- Vary condition 18 (scheme for shared use cycleway/ footway) of planning permission reference S/3777/19/VC relating to outline planning permission for up to 140 homes (including up to 40% affordable housing) On Land East of Highfields Road, Highfields Caldecote.
Applicant: Linden (Highfields Caldecote) LLP
Decision: Approved
- Planning application for the installation of a red chimney pot and associated works to the existing chimney to facilitate the installation of a wood burning stove at 28 Cow Lane, Fulbourn.
Applicant: Mr and Mrs John and Ciara Moore
Decision: Approved
- Listed building consent application for the installation of a red chimney pot and associated works to the existing chimney to facilitate the installation of a wood burning stove at 28 Cow Lane, Fulbourn.
Applicant: Mr and Mrs John and Ciara Moore
Decision: Approved
- Extension of existing wheelchair ramp to the side and rear of the property, addition of a handrail, alterations to windows and removal of chimney at 64 Gables Close, Meldreth.
Applicant: Mr Nathan Lund
Decision: Approved
- Relocation of three allotments, to be replaced by two three-bed homes on the previous allotment land along with landscaping to two housing plots with bin and bike spaces on Land Lying To The North East Of All Saints Church West Wickham Road, Horseheath. Creation of a woodland and grassland areas with car parking for allotments.
Applicant: Mr Jon Green, Diocese of Ely
Decision: Approved
- Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory and roof extension at 10 Millhouse Walk, Cambourne.
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Gray
Decision: Approved
- Conversion of communal room to a 2-bedroom single storey semi-detached bungalow at 5 Hollmans Close, Fulbourn.
Applicant: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Decision: Approved
The above decisions are subject to decision notices being finalised and issued. More information about the applications considered by the Planning Committee, along with any other items discussed and a link to watch a recording of the meeting, can be found within the meeting agenda.