News release from: 04/03/2024
GP surgery and charity day centre expand thanks to funding secured from local developers

A GP surgery in Over has opened an extension with three new consulting and examination rooms, thanks to funding secured from developers building homes nearby.
Also in the village, Over Day Centre for older adults, is planning to expand its premises with an air-conditioned conservatory thanks to monies from the same funding pot.
More than £135,000 was secured from five developers by South Cambridgeshire District Council, which was passed to the NHS to help fund the GP surgery expansion. The monies were then transferred to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board.
A further £33,000 was secured for an extension for Over Day Centre, a charity which relies on donations and grants to continue its valuable and popular service, including its new memory cafés on the fourth Saturday of the month, designed for people with dementia and their carers.
The funding for both projects was negotiated by the District Council as part of planning permission issued for six housing developments in Over and nearby villages. When developers build new homes with a significant impact on an area or community, they’re asked to contribute funding to local services through what is known as a Section 106 agreement.
The funding went towards the development of rooms at Over GP Surgery that will deliver primary care services for patients and provide a greater range of both community and social care services locally. The expansion will also give the practice additional space to accommodate student nurses and GPs, having been accredited as a training practice.
The expansion at Over Day Centre will provide further space as a boost for clients at the busy setting which is used by residents across the District.
Cllr Bill Handley, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Lead Cabinet Member for Communities and one of the District Councillors for Over, said: “We are delighted to see the expansion of both the GP Surgery and the Day Centre and hope it will make a considerable difference for services for the local community. Over has had a number of new developments in recent years so this is a great example of the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service ensuring new developments contribute to improvements that benefit local people.”
Cllr Dan Lentell, District Councillor for Over and Willingham, said: "Expanding GP capacity in our Fen Edge villages is the most urgent priority. Three new examination and consulting rooms at Over will mean a real world, day to day improvement felt by thousands of residents. In addition, Over Day Care Centre is a unique community resource which enriches so many lives. An air-conditioned conservatory will be a game changer in the hot months, so this is a fantastically appropriate use of S106 monies."
Laura Byton Practice Manger at Over Surgery, said: “The extension to the surgery has provided us with additional clinical rooms and admin space which is welcomed by staff and patients. This will enable us to offer additional health services to our current and new patients and allow the surgery to grow with the expanding community. We are very grateful for the funds that went towards the development.”
David Barker, Chair of Trustees at Over Day Centre, said: “The day centre is a fabulous resource with an amazing team of staff and volunteers providing a popular service for older people across South Cambridgeshire. We are grateful for the s106 monies as it will allow us to add an extension giving us extra space.”
Kit Connick, Chief Officer Partnerships & Strategy, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) said: “We’re delighted to see the completion of the Over GP Surgery extension. The new space available will provide the opportunity for the GP Surgery to run additional services, helping to improve access to health and care services that will help meet the needs of their local communities both now and in the future.”
Other community benefits for South Cambridgeshire residents this year provided from S106 planning agreement monies includes:
- In Waterbeach, developer contributions have helped convert a staff room at the Waterbeach Surgery to provide additional clinical space.
- In Caldecote, the Parish Council has installed new play equipment, with additional developer contributions used to fund a new portable building for sports and community use. Also, a new peace garden.
- In Swavesey, the Parish Council used developer contributions to improve access to the Memorial Hall. Trustees used contributions to purchase and install new flooring throughout the Pavilion.
- In Gamlingay, a local highways initiative between the Parish Council and Cambridgeshire County Council provided a new section of footway from the village out towards Potton along Mill Hill. Developer contributions were topped up with contributions from local businesses and Parish Council funds.
- In Coton, Cambridge Past, Present and Future have used developer contributions to undertake improvements to Coton Countryside Reserve by adding and maintaining new wildflower meadows and planting more than 100 metres of new hedgerow within the reserve.