News release from: 11/04/2024
April 2024 Planning Committee

The following planning applications were considered at the meeting of South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Planning Committee held on Wednesday 10 April 2024 at 10am at South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne.
- The demolition of existing structures and redevelopment for office and laboratory use at the Former Waste Water Water Treatment Facility, Cambridge Road, Hauxton. The proposals also include a new amenity building, country park and associated infrastructure. Applicant: Bridgemere Land Ltd Decision: Approved
- The construction of three employment/research and development units with ancillary offices and associated service areas, car parking and landscaping at Cambridge South, West Way, Sawston.
Applicant: Sam Walker
Decision: Approved
- Nine self-build properties on Land Off Leaden Hill, Orwell.
Applicant: Hawkswren Ltd
Decision: Refused
- A single storey side extension and rear roof extension at 3 Acrorn Lane, Cambourne.
Applicant: Mrs Nichola Sexton
Decision: Approved
The above decisions are subject to decision notices being finalised and issued. More information about the applications considered by the Planning Committee, along with any other items discussed and a link to watch a recording of the meeting, can be found within the meeting agenda.