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Tenant involvement opportunities

On this page you can find:

How you can get involved

We want to hear from as many tenants as possible and make sure tenants views and perspectives are represented in all our services.   

Getting involved can also benefit you as it can help build confidence, skills and meeting new people.   

Ways you can get involved include:  

  • looking at our performance and ask questions or make suggestions
  • reviewing our policies and influence changes
  • checking our contracts to see whether they best serve tenants 
  • joining us on our estate inspections and report any issues.   

Get in touch to find out more at  

Policy review panel 

We have a panel that reviews our policies and strategies and makes sure they are written with tenant’s interests in mind. Some of the recently reviewed policies include our mutual exchange policy and our disabled adaptations policy.   

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and performance panel 

Join us in reviewing our performance on things such as our repairs service, how we deal with complaints, how long we take to re-let homes and more. This group checks our performance numbers and asks questions if there are any changes in the performance of certain areas and recommends further investigation if there is a service that is not performing as it should be.   

Contract review panel

This panel monitors our contracts to make sure they are performing as they should and are providing the services in a way that tenants want as well as participating in the awarding of new contracts. 

Housing Engagement Board

The role of the Housing Engagement Board is to work with the head of housing and councillors to prioritise budgets, work, resources and policies to deliver a service that focuses on tenants needs.

Our Housing Engagement Board is made up of 10 people: Housing Engagement board logo

  • 6 elected tenant representatives (one is a leaseholder)
  • 3 District Councillors
  • Head of Housing, Peter Campbell


Your current tenant representatives

A tenant representative’s role is very important. They are the voice of tenants and leaseholders living in our council homes. Their role is to work with the head of housing and councillors to prioritise budgets, work, resources and policies to deliver a service that focuses on tenants needs. Should you require copies of the agenda packs in an alternative format, please contact

There are 2 representatives elected for each housing area (North, East and West). 

We have a vacancy

We are currently looking to co-opt a leaseholder tenant representative onto our Housing Engagement Board for the remaining six months of the current four-year tenure (ending 31 March 2025).

If you would like to be considered by the Board, you have until 5pm on Thursday 19 September 2024 to fill in an application form.

Tenants and leaseholders from all three areas can apply, however, priority will be given to leaseholders.

The following documents need to be reviewed before completing an application form:

If you need a printed application form, have any questions, or want to find out more about the role, contact the Resident Involvement team.


What are the requirements?

You can apply to be considered for co-option onto the Housing Engagement Board as a tenant representative if:

  • You are a tenant or leaseholder of South Cambridgeshire District Council
  • You agree to represent the interests of all tenants / leaseholders
  • You do not work for South Cambridgeshire District Council Housing Service
  • You are not related to a member of staff
  • Your rent and any service charges are paid up to date
  • You agree to follow the Code of Conduct
  • You are aged 18 or over
  • You are not subject to any tenancy issues as set out in Schedule 3 of the Housing Act (1985) and within Schedule 14 of the Localism Act (2011)
  • You do not have a criminal record or charges pending.

Please read the Co-option Policy [PDF, 0.2MB] and Qualifications Criteria [PDF, 90Kb] documents to become a co-opted tenant representative for further information on the above requirements.


How much work is involved?

As a tenant representative you will attend quarterly Housing Engagement Board meetings (four a year). One meeting is held in person, at the Council’s offices, and the other three are held online. Each meeting lasts approximately two hours.

You will spend time preparing for the meetings by reading reports, financial and statistical information, and any other relevant paperwork. The preparation often requires several hours work.


What happens next?

Once you have read the documents and submitted your application we will contact you to confirm your application, discuss the co-option process and answer any questions.

Copies of all application forms will be sent to the current HEB members who will meet to determine the successful candidate.

South Cambridgeshire tenant representatives, as of March 2023:


Dave Kelleway | 

Margaret Wilson | 



Bob Buss | 


Jim Watson |

Oana Sutherland |

Minutes and agenda packs of meetings

8 July 2024 – Draft Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]

8 July 2024 – Agenda Pack [PDF, 1MB] [PDF, 1MB]

28 March 2024 - Minutes [PDF, 0.6MB]

28 March 2024 – Agenda Pack [PDF, 1.5MB]

14 December 2023 - Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]

14 December 2023 - Agenda pack [PDF, 2MB]

North housing area

Tenant representatives - Margaret Wilson and Dave Kelleway

  • Bar Hill
  • Boxworth
  • Childerley
  • Conington
  • Cottenham
  • Dry Drayton
  • Elsworth
  • Fen Ditton
  • Fen Drayton
  • Fulbourn
  • Girton
  • Graveley
  • Great Wilbraham
  • Histon
  • Horningsea
  • Impington
  • Knapwell
  • Landbeach
  • Little Wilbraham
  • Lolworth
  • Longstanton
  • Milton
  • Northstowe
  • Oakington and Westwick
  • Orchard Park
  • Over
  • Papworth Everard
  • Papworth St Agnes
  • Rampton
  • Stow Cum Quy
  • Swavesey
  • Teversham
  • Waterbeach
  • Willingham

West housing area

Tenant representatives - Bob Buss and vacancy

  • Abington Piggotts
  • Arrington
  • Barrington
  • Barton
  • Bassingbourn
  • Bourn
  • Caldecote
  • Cambourne
  • Caxton
  • Comberton
  • Coton
  • Croxton
  • Croydon
  • Eltisley
  • Fowlmere
  • Foxton
  • Gamlingay
  • Grantchester
  • Great and Little Chishill
  • Great Eversden
  • Guilden Morden
  • Hardwick
  • Harlton
  • Harston
  • Haslingfield
  • Hatley
  • Hauxton
  • Heydon
  • Kingston
  • Litlington
  • Little Eversden
  • Little Gransden
  • Longstowe
  • Madingley
  • Melbourn
  • Meldreth
  • Orwell
  • Shepreth
  • Shingay Cum Wendy
  • Steeple Morden
  • Tadlow
  • Toft
  • Whaddon
  • Wimpole

East housing area 

Tenant representatives - Oana Sutherland and Jim Watson

  • Babraham
  • Balsham
  • Bartlow
  • Carlton
  • Castle Camps
  • Duxford
  • Great Abington
  • Great Shelford
  • Hildersham
  • Hinxton
  • Horseheath
  • Ickleton
  • Linton
  • Little Abington
  • Little Shelford
  • Newton
  • Pampisford
  • Sawston
  • Shudy Camps
  • Stapleford
  • Thriplow
  • West Wickham
  • West Wratting
  • Weston Colville
  • Whittlesford

Contact Details