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Report the death of a tenant

We would like to offer our condolences for your loss. We appreciate that during this difficult time informing relevant departments and authorities should be as simple and efficient as possible.

Tell Us Once form

Government Tell Us Once form

This is a government hosted form that will be sent to the correct department within the council and other government authorities including:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)

You can also use this form if you are a council tenant and are wanting to inform us that a joint tenant at your address has died.

You cannot use this form to give notice on a council property or to terminate a tenancy. 

Notify us to terminate a tenancy

If a tenant has died and there is no one else living there, then their tenancy will need to be terminated using the form below.

Notify us of a terminated tenancy

What to do next

We ask that the home is handed back to us empty of furniture, carpets, curtains, and any waste and recycling. Items in the garden, such as a greenhouse or the tenant’s own shed, should be removed. If there are any items left in the home or garden we may charge for their disposal.

Removing furniture items

If you need to dispose of furniture, please consider: 

  • local charities such as Emmaus or Cambridge Re-use that will take furniture and household items that are in good condition
  • for items that need to be disposed of you can use our bulky item collection service, or they can be taken to your local household recycling centre
  • aids such as raised toilet seats or walkers can often be returned by calling the number on the sticker attached to the item.

Handing back the keys

We ask for keys to be returned to our office in Cambourne on the Monday following the 4 week notice, before 12pm. Our office address is below:

South Cambridgeshire Hall
Cambourne Business Park
Cambourne, Cambridge
CB23 6EA

Rent payments

Rent will be due for the 4 week notice period. Find out more information on how to pay your rent.

If the tenant was receiving Housing Benefits, this will automatically be cancelled on the Sunday following the death of the tenant.

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