If you are homeless as a result of an emergency, and need to contact us outside our normal office hours (after 5pm, Monday to Friday), please call 01253 501117.
If you are at risk of homelessness
If you are at risk of becoming homeless or are worried about your housing situation, it is important to act as soon as possible.
We have a duty to prevent homelessness and to help you to stay in your home or find other suitable accommodation. We can talk to you about:
- your housing rights and options
- what help we can offer you if you become homeless
Rough sleepers advice
We work closely with our outreach provider P3 to identify and support rough sleepers with the aim of accessing accommodation.
If you see someone sleeping rough, you can inform:
- CGL Street Outreach team on 01223 366292
- Streetlink website
- 999 or 111 (with option 2 for a mental health crisis) if you see someone who is in need of immediate medical attention.
For advice and guidance from one of our advisers call us on 01954 713 000 or email housingadvice@scambs.gov.uk