Guidelines for Gypsy and Travellers
Gypsies and Travellers visiting South Cambridgeshire are asked to follow our advice. Your co-operation may mean you can stay for a short time on suitable land.
Public land managed by Cambridgeshire County Council are not permitted. This includes:
- recreation grounds
- village greens
- playing fields
If you want to express an interest in living on a Council owned Gypsy and Traveller site or house, contact the Gypsy and Traveller liaison officer on 07702 821402.
If you plan to pull on to any area that is privately owned, you must speak to the landowner first. You will need to:
- keep groups small: 3 caravans is advised
- space yourselves out: the Mobile Homes Act recommends 6 metres between caravans for safety
- look after the land you park on and don't cause problems for nearby residents
- behave considerately towards others
- not dump or burn rubbish, instead put your rubbish in black bags
- park vehicles safely and do not block accesses to fields or other areas
- keep animals under control and away from public footpaths and rights of way
As long as the guidance above is followed, in most cases we will not pursue an immediate order for the eviction of small groups.
Moving on
When you leave, you must leave the land you were on as you found it. Bag up any rubbish and leave it so it can be collected easily. Afterwards, the area must not be reoccupied within 3 months.
Buying your own land
Before you think about purchasing a piece of land for a Gypsy and Traveller plot you must contact us first as planning permission will be needed. Call us on 01954 713 000 for more information.
The Community Law Partnership has a Traveller's Advice Team who can provide help and support on general Gypsy and Traveller legal matters. Call 0121 685 8595.