Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)
If you are disabled or suffering from a medical condition which requires special housing needs, the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency may be able to help you.
To be eligible, you must either:
- own your own home
- live in a housing association property
- be a private tenant
Disabled facilities grants are designed to help people live independently in their homes.
Types of Disabled Facilities Grants
- to provide small adaptations such as ramps and door widening
- to provide or improve access to the: bedroom, kitchen, toilet, washbasin, and bath or shower facilities
- to enable the disabled occupier to use and control power, light and heat, for example, by altering the position of light switches and power sockets
- to enable the disabled occupier to prepare and cook food by providing low level kitchen units
- to ensure the safety of the disabled person and other occupants. For example, by improving lighting to ensure better visibility, or to make access easier to the living room
If you require minor adaptations that will cost under £1,000 (such as hand rails or grab rails) or to request a home improvements grants assessment, please contact Occupational Therapy on 01954 713 330.
The application process
- an occupational therapist will assess your needs and if appropriate, refer you to the Home Improvement Agency.
- a caseworker will then visit you to assess if you are eligible for a grant and start the grant application procedure for you
- once approval is given, a start date will be arranged with the contractor and the works will begin
- work will be carried out under the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, as amended by the Regulatory Reform Order 2002.