There are 45 elected councillors who represent South Cambridgeshire communities. The political administration is Liberal Democrat, as they hold the majority of the seats on the Council.
8 councillors from the administration make up the Council Cabinet which sets the strategic and political direction of the Council. Below is more information about their roles:
Council Leader – Cllr Bridget Smith
Bridget is responsible for the strategic leadership of the Council. Bridget is the Council’s representative on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and OxCam Pan Regional Partnership.
Deputy Leader and Lead Cabinet Member for Environment - Cllr Brian Milnes
Under his Deputy Leader role, Brian is responsible for, Shared Services, Customer Services, Parish Engagement, Member support and our policies on Climate Change. As Lead Cabinet Member for Environment, he leads on improving the local environment to support the Council’s ambitions to be green to the core and Sustainable Travel. Brian is also our representative for Greater Cambridge Partnership.
Lead Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Licensing - Cllr Natalie Warren-Green
As Lead Cabinet Member for Environmental Services and Licensing, Natalie leads on the Council's waste and recycling, environmental health, Public Health and licensing policy areas.
Lead Cabinet Member for Communities – Cllr Henry Batchelor
Henry is tasked with leading the Council’s efforts to create healthy and resilient local communities. He is also responsible for the district’s growing new towns, health and wellbeing programmes, arts and culture.
Lead Cabinet Member for Resources – Cllr John Williams
John looks after the Council’s finances, including investments, procurement and fraud and makes sure that, in turn, they help deliver on the administration’s priorities. He also leads on Human Resources, Corporate Services, Grants and our transformation.
Lead Cabinet Member for Housing – Cllr John Batchelor
John leads on ensuring the Council delivers housing that is genuinely affordable for everyone to live in. This includes oversight of the management and maintenance of our stock of around 5,500 Council homes. He is also responsible for Ermine Street, Shire Homes, housing for refugees and asylum seekers and safeguarding.
Lead Cabinet Member for Planning – Cllr Dr. Tumi Hawkins
Tumi is responsible for ensuring there is carefully considered development across South Cambridgeshire and planning applications are handled effectively. She leads on Planning Policy, Development Control and Strategic Sites.
Lead Cabinet Member for Economic Development - Cllr Peter McDonald
Peter is responsible for the Council’s business support and development functions. He also has oversight of skills, enterprise zones and the transport and infrastructure in relation to major developments in Local Plan.