Policy review panel
We have a panel that reviews our policies and strategies and makes sure they are written with tenant’s interests in mind. Some of the recently reviewed policies include our mutual exchange policy and our disabled adaptations policy.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and performance panel
Join us in reviewing our performance on things such as our repairs service, how we deal with complaints, how long we take to re-let homes and more. This group checks our performance numbers and asks questions if there are any changes in the performance of certain areas and recommends further investigation if there is a service that is not performing as it should be.
Find out more about our performance and tenant satisfaction measures.
Contract review panel
This panel monitors our contracts to make sure they are performing as they should and are providing the services in a way that tenants want as well as participating in the awarding of new contracts.
Estate inspections
Estate inspections help to keep your neighbourhood safe and tidy. Housing and estate officers, together with tenant volunteers, look at a range of issues, including: landscaping, pathways, communal areas in buildings, fly-tipping and signs of infestations. These are carried out from April to October. We are always looking for tenant volunteers to join us on our estate inspections. If you have some free time and are interested in joining us, please email resident.involvement@scambs.gov.uk
Find out more about our estate inspections and the schedule for the year.
Housing Engagement Board
The role of the Housing Engagement Board is to work with the head of housing and councillors to prioritise budgets, work, resources and policies to deliver a service that focuses on tenants needs.
Our Housing Engagement Board is currently made up of 10 people:
- 6 elected tenant representatives (one is a leaseholder)
- 3 District Councillors
- Head of Housing, Peter Campbell
Minutes and agenda packs of meetings
- 12 December 2024 – Draft Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]
- 12 December 2024 - Agenda Pack [PDF, 2MB]
- 26 September 2024 – Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]
- 26 September 2024 – Agenda Pack [PDF, 2MB]
- 8 July 2024 – Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]
- 8 July 2024 – Agenda Pack [PDF, 1MB]
- 28 March 2024 - Minutes [PDF, 0.6MB]
- 28 March 2024 – Agenda Pack [PDF, 1.5MB]
- 14 December 2023 - Minutes [PDF, 0.7MB]
- 14 December 2023 - Agenda pack [PDF, 2MB]
Your current elected tenant representatives
A tenant representative’s role is very important. They are the voice of tenants and leaseholders living in our council homes. Their role is to work with the head of housing and councillors to prioritise budgets, work, resources and policies to deliver a service that focuses on tenants needs. Should you require copies of the agenda packs in an alternative format, please contact resident.involvement@scambs.gov.uk.
There are 2 representatives elected for each housing area (North, East and West).
Current South Cambridgeshire tenant representatives, as of October 2024:
Dave Kelleway | dave.scdc.tenant.rep@gmail.com
Margaret Wilson | repwilson37@gmail.com
Diane Hale | diane1457@sky.com
Bob Buss | bussb1@icloud.com
Jim Watson | jimwatson54@outlook.com
Oana Sutherland | oanasutherland@gmail.com