No licence is required to place furniture on private property.
A pavement licence is a process that allows business selling food and drink to place removable furniture over onto the highway next to the premises. This allows customers to use the furniture (for example, chairs and tables) to eat their food or drink.
These licences can only be granted for highways listed in Part 7A of the Highways Act 1980 which are:
- footpaths for people
- roads and places where vehicles are not allowed
The application process
Before applying you should:
- read the Pavement Licensing Policy [PDF, 0.6MB] [PDF, 0.3MB]
- be aware of what is needed for an application
- how to meet national and local conditions of the licence
On the day you submit your application you should:
- display a Public Notice at the premises in the required form
- make sure the Public Notice is visible to members of the public who are not on the premises
- ensure the Notice remains in place for 14 calendar days, (this starts from the day after the application is made)
Reviewing your application
After you submit your application we have to consult with:
- Highways Authority
- Cambridgeshire Police
- Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue
- relevant town or parish councils
- Environmental Health
We will publish details of the application on our website.
Application result
We have 14 calendar days from the day after the public consultation period has closed to determine the application.
As part of determination we may:
- grant the licence for all the reasons stated in the application
- grant the licence for all or part of the highway specified in the application, and impose conditions
- refuse the application
Any person (either the applicant or person/body who has submitted a representation) who is aggrieved by the decision to refuse or grant the application, has a right to appeal within 21 days of receipt of the decision. The appeal will be referred to the Licensing Appeals Panel.