Good food hygiene is essential to make sure that the food you serve is safe to eat. When you are setting up a food business, you need to introduce ways of working that will help you ensure hygiene standards are right from the start.
Food hygiene ratings
We have adopted the national Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) from the Food Standards Agency.
You can check the ratings by searching on the FHRS website.
Food establishments should also have their ratings displayed on their window or door, though this is not legally required in England and Scotland currently.
The FHRS rating gives information about the hygiene standards of a business. They are given for most of the following food business types:
- restaurants
- pubs
- cafés
- takeaways
- hotels
- supermarkets and other food shops.
How we inspect food businesses
During a food hygiene inspection, an Environmental Health Officer will view your food storage and production areas, discuss your food safety practices and procedures and view your food safety management system.
The Officer will then provide the business with a food hygiene rating scheme score between 0 (urgent improvement required) to 5 (very good) and provide a new FHRS sticker. The scoring is based on:
- how hygienically the food is handled: how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
- the condition of the structure of the buildings: the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
- how the business manages food safety so that the officer can be confident standards will be maintained in the future.
The scoring is given in line with the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Brand Standard and we ensure that scores are being consistently applied by all Officers.
Providing our rating
An officer will provide the business with a food hygiene rating scheme score between 0 (urgent improvement required) to 5 (very good). The scoring is based on:
- how hygienically the food is handled: how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
- the condition of the structure of the buildings: the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
- how the business manages food safety so that the officer can be confident standards will be maintained in the future.
If your business has a food hygiene rating of 0 to 4:
- you have the right of appeal
- you have the right to reply following a food hygiene rating
- you can also request a re-rating visit to try and obtain a higher food hygiene rating.
Make an appeal
We will explain the food hygiene rating during the inspection. However, if the business owner or manager thinks that the rating is unfair or wrong, they can appeal in writing to our Lead Food Safety Officer.
The business has 21 days (including weekends and bank holidays) from the date of receipt of the notification of FHRS rating to apply for an appeal. Before making an appeal, please visit the appeals section of the Food Standards Agency website for more information.
Request a re-rating visit
Having accepted the issues identified by the Officer during the inspection, the owner or manager should take steps to ensure that all the issues have been addressed. The owner or manager can then formally request that a re-rating inspection is undertaken, completing a request form with details of the issues and the steps that have been taken to resolve them.
A food business owner can formally request that a re-rating visit is undertaken. The cost of a revisit is £170 and a business can request more than one revisit.
It should be noted that this does not guarantee an improved food hygiene rating and the rating can be lowered if further issues are identified.
Right to Reply
The owner or manager of the business also has a right to reply. This is different from an appeal and includes an acceptance of the Officer’s inspection findings. This allows the owner or manager to tell potential customers how the business has improved hygiene, or to say if there were unusual circumstances at the time of the inspection. A business’s right to reply will be published online with their hygiene rating.
To make a right to reply, please complete the FHRS Right to Reply form [DOCX, 75Kb] and return it to
Our responsibilities
We are required to produce a service plan [PDF, 0.3MB], setting out our food and health and safety services, including imported food, in a format that is prescribed by the Food Standards Agency and as required by the Health and Safety Executive.