1. The provision of an additional green bin will be subject to an annual charge that covers the emptying of the bin for the period 1 October to 30 September each year.
2. The charge is £45 per bin per year (increased from £40 from October 2022 onwards).
3. There are no concessions and the annual charge is for the full period irrespective of when you started the service. For example, if you order an additional green bin in June you have to pay the full annual charge for the period June to September and then the annual charge on 1 October each year thereafter.
4. Direct Debit is the easiest payment method. If you do not sign up to Direct Debit you will be invoiced annually on 1 October.
5. The bin will remain the property of Greater Cambridge Shared Waste Service (GCSWS).
6. Bins are standard 240 litre capacity green wheelie bins. A maximum of 3 additional green bins can be obtained (4 green bins in total).
7. Only additional GCSWS supplied bins will be emptied.
8. A sticker will be provided for each additional green bin. It may take up to 14 days for them to arrive once permits are paid for. The sticker provided must be placed on the body of the bin at the back, under the handles so it is clearly visible to the collection crews. The bin should then be put out on collection day with the handles towards the road. If a second or additional green bin does not have a sticker GCSWS cannot guarantee to empty it.
9. Please do not present your bin for collection until you have received and displayed your permit.
10. If you move within the Cambridge City Council or South Cambridgeshire District Council areas you can transfer the bin, however you must notify us of your change of address. If you move out of the area the annual charge is non-refundable and you must contact us to have the bin removed.
11. The charge reflects the changes in collections frequency.
12. All green bin waste must be contained within the bin and the bin lid closed otherwise it will not be emptied. Excess waste will not be collected.
13. Items which are allowed in the bin are:
Organic kitchen waste
- All food waste from the kitchen - raw and cooked
- Vegetable and fruit peelings
- Dairy products
- Meat and fish and bones
- Bread, pastries and biscuits
- Rice, pasta, beans
- Any plate scrapings
- Kitchen waste can be wrapped in newspaper or paper liners. Bio-bags are not accepted.
Garden waste:
- Grass cuttings
- Prunings from hedges, shrubs and trees
- Leaves and bark
- Untreated wood (for example, no nails, paint or varnish)
- Flowers and weeds
- Windfall
- Straw and Sawdust
14. Items prohibited/not allowed in your green bin are:
- Plastic bags
- Any type of degradable / biodegradable / compostable plastic bag/sack (including corn starch bags)
- Compostable plastic cups, cutlery or packaging (for example, Vegware and Edenware)
- Garden items such as plastic flower pots / trays
- Any items that should be in the recycling or general rubbish bin
- Soil
- Stones / hardcore / rubble
- Turf
15. Bins which are rejected due to containing incorrect items must have the items removed and will not be recollected until the next scheduled collection day.
16. If bins are left by the collection crew due to the contents being frozen they will not be recollected until the next scheduled collection day.
17. If we have to suspend collections due to circumstances beyond our control, we will try to re-arrange these. If this is not possible bins will be emptied on the next scheduled collection day. We do not offer refunds
18. The bin must be available for collection at 6am on the day of collection. The bin should be presented at the kerbside for emptying. Assisted collections are available to residents who qualify for the service.
19. Missed collections - we will only return for missed bins in the following circumstances:
- The bin was placed out by 6am on the day of collection
- The right collection point was used
- In the case of assisted collections there was access to get to the bin, for example, gate unlocked
- A reject card has not been left with the bin and
- A crew report has not been received regarding the bin. For example, heavy, excessive waste
- The missed bin has been reported after 3:30pm on your collection day but before 3:30pm the day after your scheduled collection.
20. If the wheeled bin cannot be safely manoeuvred and positioned onto the vehicle, or the vehicle cannot lift the bin due to the weight of the bin, then it will be left un-emptied and a reject card left where possible. If the bin is found to be too heavy the householder will be required to remove sufficient material from the bin and dispose of it in a responsible manner. Once sufficient weight has been removed from the bin we will collect it on the next scheduled collection day
21. If you are sharing your second green bin with a neighbour the householder who pays the annual charge will have overall responsibility for the bin as a bin can only be allocated to one address. It is the responsibility of the named householder if the bin is contaminated, misused or needs replacing.
22. Non-payment of the annual charge will result in the bin not being emptied.